by MaHa, November 26, 2022, via email
While in 3D, my human experiences were based around fear; a deep anxiety. But then again, my circumstances dictated it…even while on my spiritual journey. I was given many experiences to learn to Trust God’s energy, without me being cognizant of that in particular.
Then, it happened in my life that the Trust I had formed around God saved my life, many times. There was nothing else I had but Trust in an unseen force of comfort and Love, but it solidified the unseen, and unquestionably so.
I developed fearlessness, and I had no fear of anything, because my Trust in something much greater was Real. I was taught that All is Love, and that only the mind shows you the dual side. Also, to never turn away from what doesn’t seem like Love, but to heal it with the Light of Love. Not to engage, but to always heal, for ALL is Love, there’s just sometimes misguided energy.
Even the darkest are sent to God’s Light, for all begin and end in that Light, Creator’s Light. All judgement is ego based; the unseen parts of ourselves wanting to be seen in order to equalize.
For me, all Dark is Love, just as Lucifer was God’s angel and chose to hold the Dark in this duality ~ all for the humans to dissolve away from the ego and into the heart.
That is the work to be done in this matrix of duality.
Blessings 💜