This “share” was originally an email from Amanda, but I asked her to let me post it. And I encouraged her to write more. I hope you join me in that:
The desire to help ease others’ suffering is growing so strong in me.
In my case it’s a particular way of easing suffering which I clarified when I did the “discovering your true essence” exercise that was on GAOG some months back. I saved it but can’t recall who channelled it. (1)
I got the message loud and clear that my gift or true essence, as this piece termed it, is helping people to see they are unconsciously creating their own suffering. It all makes sense now … why the lawyer thing … because that’s what clients are doing – they’re experiencing something they don’t like and want a lawyer to fix it.
I’m being shown visions of a future me whose frequency is so high people can heal in my presence. It’s interesting integrating this part of me – that wants only to serve the Divine and to look into people’s eyes and let them know how loved they are.
She’s not around all day, this Amanda (2) – mostly I’m too busy and worrying about things – fully in my ego – and then suddenly there’s Amanda who wants only to find the bliss of union with Our Divine Mother. (3)
I keep feeling “jeez, this is fast. Who the hell am I?” (4)
An angelic awakening? I’d say this is at least the description of life after a heart opening and possibly more that I’m not aware of. Keep going, Amanda! You’re also a pathfinder!
(1) Could this have been Wes Annac, “Self-Enquiry: Discovering Your Divine Identity,” Jan. 16, 2020? At
(2) Before leaving the Third/Fourth Dimension for the Fifth, no spiritual experience is lasting. For transformative love to be lasting would be Ascension – not only Fifth Dimensional but also a permanent heart opening.
It may also be that what Amanda has experienced is what all of us will experience from the Ring of Fire, which I’m sure will be the equivalent of a planetary heart opening.
On the latter, see The Ring of Fire, Wave of Love at
(3) “God cannot be seen without yearning of heart, and this yearning is impossible unless one has finished with [is detached from, unmoved by] the experiences of life.” (Paramahansa Ramakrisha in Nikhilananda, Swami, trans. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 1011.)
“Nothing whatsoever is achieved in spiritual life without yearning. … This yearning is like the state of mind of a man who has someone ill in the family. His mind is in a state of perpetual restlessness, thinking how the sick person may be cured.” (Ibid., 96.)
(4) An Angelic perhaps? See An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at