by Digger Barr
I got used to it long ago.
Those little tickles on the foot, shin or shoulder.
Who’s there? I used to ask.
Some little unseen friend trying to get my attention or was it a trespassing insect? Maybe a thread or piece of lint landing on my fine skin hairs.
I don’t swat anymore, choosing to look first. Ants get the brush off. Spiders get a stronger reaction with a few choice words.
But I don’t want to randomly swat just in case it might actually be a sweet little fairy needing a place to rest.
Usually though there is no visual explanation. It stands to reason that there will be no audible answer to my verbal request.
Still I ask, quietly, in my mind, who’s there? And then wait for an answer.
I figure if the answer doesn’t come in the first few seconds I won’t get one.
Sometimes the answer is an image that comes to mind.
Often it’s an elemental but other times it’s my passed relatives touching base. Hi Mom. She thinks it is funny.
My dog, Liza, was a good one to watch for these unseen bits of activity.
Unseen to me. But she was right on it.
I wonder what she was seeing or even hearing. I miss watching her watch them.
As an Aussie she had a very expressive face. Cappuccino eyebrows standing out on a black face. She would sit with her paws in front of her and head bowed slightly and still. But her eyebrows shifted left to right as she watched some unknown element whisper about her.
She never seemed concerned about danger or fear in any way. Her look was more like uncertainty about whether they were going to pull her whiskers or not. She looked timid and yet engaging as to what was going on and trying to figure out what was going to happen next.
This happened quite frequently. Enough for me to understand there are plenty of things going on around us we simply are not aware of.
The same could be said for energies on so many levels.
Too often we get stuck on the 5 senses and only pay attention to what tickles, bangs, burns, flashes or needs spitting out.
If it isn’t dramatic enough we won’t give it our attention.
Is this the squeaky wheel syndrome?
On the other hand we spend a lot of energy seeking out those things that make us feel good.
The pleasant and pleasing to our senses like scented candles, comfy blankets and sweet and savory foods.
This is all well and good. Of course who wouldn’t want those things.
So do we surround ourselves with material items and call it good?
We have our comfort zone. We work hard at meeting our needs and act like that’s all there is to life.
Unless it’s seeking more pleasure, entertainment, or something to occupy our time, we limit our search.
Some experiencing hardship struggle to meet even this goal.
Lately and even historically, we fill our time with the drama that placates our need to feel connected.
So many in the truther community still fail to look beyond the political financial arena for a greater understanding.
When do we step back and ask, Is this all there is? Is this 3D life on Rinse and repeat as cyclical experiences?
Or Could we be seeking different answers and asking different questions?
Is it only when our comfort zone gets interrupted that that is when we start seeking other information?
Well not everyone. Obviously there are many self starters out there. Most of you here reading this article.
But when do we actually pay attention to the unseen elements of our existence?
When the supply chain grinds to a complete halt?
Then we will be scrambling to meet our needs so would we actually be taking time to pay attention that there is some other answer? some other way of being?
Can we organically realize that there is something beyond this dimensionality that is tickling us for our attention?
No, apparently it’s way beyond that.
Is the ethereal 2×4 coming down?
Will we be getting the bump of knowledge forming an egg in the middle of our forehead?
If we are lucky this will become our third eye.
Getting in touch with our spiritual selves should be second nature.
It’s a ding dang no brainer for me. And fortunately for many others.
But as I look around I can’t help but wonder what is it going to take for the masses to grasp the concept that we are spiritual energy beings living in coexistence with multiple other energies?
This thought alone should change everything.
I congratulate those that are fully engaged with esoteric knowledge. And thank you for your service.
As the masses come on board we’ll all be very much needed.
The newly awakened will need a lot of help gaining gentle understanding.
Or maybe it will be a flash bang burning event that makes everyone sit up straight. No I am not hinting at weaponry.
But rather something that can be experienced by the 5 senses that leaves no doubt. Something that will help embed the information instantly.
I personally hope for something sweet or savory or at least Palatable.
However it happens, there will still be the need for understanding.
Having had Spiritual awareness for a very long time, I still need to ask, Who’s there?
I am ready to receive and experience a greater awakening. It seems there will always be so much more.
This did not need to be dramatic but at this point, how can it not be?.
I welcome the expansion and remain ever so humbled by that task at hand..
In gratitude and awe.