by Lee Carroll, October 28, 2022, via email
The Kryon entourage is not a static one. It’s an entourage developed from the various soul energies listening and reading this message now.
It’s an entourage that comes to watch, honor, seemingly to sit in your lap, and to knock on your door just to say, “We’re here, we’re here, we’re here.”
Years ago, I gave the phrase: You’re never alone. It’s impossible to be alone because of a loving and spiritual system. So many of you have come to understand that, number one, you’re part of a divine system, and number two, you’re here temporarily.
This Soul journey that you are on creates a temporary journey until the next journey and the next life. It’s the same Soul each time.
So, Dear Ones, we’re looking at ancients among you, and there is so much honor that you have been part of the Earth for such a long time. Inside you, Human Being, right now, there is an active record of everything you’ve ever done on this planet. It really is everything.
This record eventually lands in your DNA. As you reincarnate, the last lifetime is then included, and you come with that energy, fresh. However, everything you have ever experienced while on this planet is there.
The Akash is Not a “Record” of Things. This is important, and we’ve taught it before. Your Akash is not a linear representation of history, as you would get in a book.
The Akashic record is not about the activities of a Human. It’s about the energies and emotions of a Human, and it’s not remembered in a linear fashion as pages in a book. Instead, it’s all grouped together.
Those invisible ones are still here. I want you to feel them for just a moment with such congratulations to you.
“Don’t fear the future! Cast the old fears away. The past is not coming back. It’s a brand new path, one that you’ve never trod before, one without predictions. You’re going to lay the track that has never been laid before. That’s what the real future is becoming for you.”
And so it is,
~ Kryon of Magnetic Service
Excerpt channeled by Lee Carroll during a Live Kryon Channelling in Wilmington, North Carolina, on March 10, 2018