Archangel Uriel carries the Silver Flame of Truth, of Spirit.
Here he speaks through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
“I will move from behind your shoulder that you may look at me standing directly in front of you.
“Look into my eyes of silver and witness my Love for you, witness the clarity of vision that I share with you.
“Before I imbed within your palms my Silver Flame, I also wish to open your 4th eye. No, it has not been time really until now.
“This is your ability to see through time-space continuum; it is your ability to see inter-dimensionally; it is your ability to see yourself and where you are positioning yourself in the 5th, 6th, 7th dimensions.
“I place my hand, my finger, upon your brow and I open this aperture to the future that I share with you and that you are an integral part of.
“Yes, you may feel a slight warming, do not worry about it, simply relax and breathe. I am taking care of you, I always have.
“This flame may transmute and transform. It is the Flame of Illumination and it is the Flame of Illumination translated into action and will, for without the will to truly bring into form, to have the experience as spirit in form, you do not move forward.
“So I ignite this will within you. Yes, it is in your hara, in your solar plexus, and it is the will to go forward and it is the will to go forward with me and with your community, your global community, your community of light, your Community of Love.”
Thank you, Archangel Uriel
Archangel Uriel & the Silver Flame of Truth, of Spirit