Greetings and Salutations,
We do believe the election will be overturned but not until the very last dredges of the corruption are brought to light.
There is a plan in place so pay attention and allow the group to do what they must do.. and here is what we can tell you. There are murky waters and shady machinations bouncing everywhere.
Banks are not as tight nor as safe as they should be. Money has strangled a lot of CEOs and a lot of bankers are trying to figure it out. Many have engaged in criminal activity, very unpleasant and bad investments. All of that will come to light.
As far as the PP, await for better timing and shed your tears if you must but nothing is lost. All is merely on hold and has to be because these wimpy ones are afraid to act, afraid to stand forth, their hands are dirty and they do have blood on them.
All of that will come to light at the right time .
Be of good cheer. The world isn’t going to go awry.
Love and Kisses,
(1) “Poof” is J. A. Holmes, who gave us his “intel” regularly some years ago, before the Deep State offed him.
Now he communicates from the other side. He has a ringside seat. I put a lot of credence in his enhanced observations.
On Poof’s passing in 2013, Sanat Kumara eulogized him:
“Poof has been welcomed with great fanfare. Celebration. Now, this is not unusual, for this is the way in which this process is undergone. But as you well know, this has been a trusted and faithful communicator and servant, and one that has completed the mission — or at least, as it was perceived, let us put it that way.
“There are no immediate plans, for this one, as I have said to you before, or Michael has, he deserves a good rest. And besides which, he is quite confident that he can affect and do a great deal of work from what you think of as this side as well. It is amazing, in many ways, what can be accomplished when you do not have the confines of a mortal body. …
“Poof has literally been true to his name. He has gone up in smoke. And he has arrived home, at peace, in joy and love, and he will be in constant communication with his beloved wife.” (“Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/sanat-kumara-many-of-you-have-already-ascended-and-straddle-dimensions/.)