Week 73 Message
September 11 2022
I am Archangel Michael with this week’s message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
Here we are again, on that special day in infamy – September 11. It will always hold a special message for people here on earth and that message is this, if they should choose to listen.
September 11 was a day designed to suppress the rising of the Christ Consciousness on earth. That is the only goal they have – to keep the Christ Consciousness from coming back to this planet. But it is coming back and it is coming back quickly.
Many of you are already working to embody the Christ within yourselves now. 9/11 was a wake up day for many of you, and having the true events of that day revealed to you continues to wake you up now.
Do you not see the resemblance, the correlation? A wide pole like structure with a plane flying across the top? Does this not resemble a cross to you? Those inside who gave their lives so that others could wake up are indeed martyrs and they should always be remembered for the grand sacrifice of love they gave. This was the second impaling of the Christ. And there will be more attempts that need to be suppressed as you continue to live and to fight for the Light upon earth.
This week’s task will be to send your loving energies to King Charles III who has already publicly aligned with the DS and their reset agenda. Please send your love to him and the DS agenda in order that it may weaken. Charles’ energy will never meet that of his determined mother and there is no fear [sic] that he now will become another weak link in their agenda.
I am Michael. I am your leader. I am your teacher. We are legion.