Here is Vol. 3 of the three-part series Gateway to Higher Dimensionality.
Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 3
From Volume 3:
We Must Become as a Child
Jesus said thousands of years ago that we must become as a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Well, of course, Jesus is still with us today, speaking through John Smallman, Linda Dillon, Pamela Kribbe, and others. I await the day when he says you must source all your vasanas and be squeaky-clean to ascend to the Seventh Heaven.
I joke with you, but you get my drift. It’s our conditioned reaction patterns, our habits of resistance to life formed long ago that prevent us from flowing with life and finishing with the old Third Dimension.
And until we let go of all that old baggage, come into the present again, and allow the divine qualities that are inherent within us to emerge and take command of our being, as they did when we entered into life, we’re prevented from entering the Kingdom of Heaven that higher dimensionality is and condemned to continue experiencing and relating to the drabness of duality.
It’s becoming easier to let go of our “stuff,” but it still doesn’t happen automatically. We have to be willing to emerge from our rackets and numbers, our fears and resistances. We cannot insist on keeping our conditioned reactions alive and wanting to open in love and acceptance to the New World emerging.
The price of admission to the Heaven of our hearts is releasing all our unhealthy conclusions about life, our resistant decisions, our burdensome stories, and everything else that our biocomputer’s programs (our vasanas) are fashioned from.
And letting go of these programs, these scripts, these file cabinets full of instructions on how to look good, succeed in life, and outcompete others, letting go of all our rackets, winning formulas and zero-sum strategies is only half the battle.
The other half is to commit ourselves from this moment on to allow what is native to us – the love that we are, the bliss that arises, the compassion that we feel – to motivate us, steer the ship from now on, and be the only reward we seek.
I think it wouldn’t be going too far to suggest to us how rewarding it may prove to be to let go of all our grounds for complaint, all our fears about life, and all our lists of things to watch out for.
I think it wouldn’t be going too far to ask us to resolve to simply live in the moment in the experience of our own divine beingness, to revel in the love and the bliss which is the treasure in the field of our own Self or soul, and to seek nothing else beside it.
I think it would be wise to ask us to cease seeking love from others and to seek love instead from the ancient spring that lies inside ourselves.
I think it would be wise to ask us to invite ourselves to surrender to the knowledge that Nature is benevolent, life has a purpose, and our future is already set in its largest contours, that the direction of our travels throughout all that lies ahead of us is unerringly set for Home and that nothing can prevent our eventual arrival there and welcome.
In his youth, St. Francis was a reckless but rich young hedonist until one day, as he followed a raucous procession through Assisi, the Holy Spirit stopped him, snatched away his reveling, and left him penniless but so rich in love that he fed every beggar, indigent laborer and even pope until the end of his days from his vast treasury of bliss and compassion.
Are we not penniless but rich in love? Have there ever been times that were worse and yet more blissful? Are we not obliged to turn away from the way it has been, which was rich in materiality but poor in spirit, to embrace a time that is poor in materiality but rich in spirit?
Have we not also been stopped in our tracks by the Holy Spirit (or Divine Mother) and snatched away from our reveling?
And is it not the case that we loving beggars are now inheriting the world and emerging as stewards of Light, the holders of the purse strings of the treasury of love? And is it not being asked of each of us, not that we do, but that we love till we ache?
Can anyone see where we’re headed? No, but does it matter? If each of us can simply open ourselves to this love that is sweeping the world, (1) will it not be clear to us all what is next? And what next could there be and what next would matter if we could, till the end of our days, be fountains of love and bliss? Will the world then not work effortlessly?
(1) “You will shortly notice a wave of love sweep the Earth, that will show that your civilization has taken a quantum leap forward.” (SaLuSa, Dec. 28, 2012.)