It’s truly been an honor to serve the Earth Collective in helping to provide the unique resources available on this website, with its accompanying searchable databases and multiple books.
This team and (I’ll bet) all of our readers are committed to assisting in the ascension process of Humanity, and many are getting closer every day to embracing themselves as agents of Light…of the Divine.
That’s essentially what we’re doing here at the Golden Age of Gaia: fostering that realization. It’s a mission that brings us to ask for your help and partnership in maintaining this resource as a safe space to come for uplifting and empowering articles and original writings.
We’re dedicated to showing up every single day to hold this space on a number of levels, both energetic and literal; and we freely share the unique codes that we carry with our readers through this blog, in the Forum, and through our “Contact Us.”
Our Human collective needs to be as clear and informed as we can manage to be, and as connected to both one another and to the Divine; this requires a unified approach.
It doesn’t just take a Village to raise a child; we all actually do so much better knowing that we have the support of loving community, including that of our Galactic Friends.
As challenging as these times are for many of us, there’s never been a more interesting and packed- with-unmanifest-potential moment as the one we’re living through. The geo-political scene is certainly tied in with our ascension process, because the bad guys did their best to try to stop it.
They are failing at every turn, and as you’ve surely been reading in multiple places, Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming. The unfolding now in this regard seems, indeed, to be both a show and a distraction.
“Are we there yet?” We all want to know. We’re truly so close, but the truth is that we don’t even know much about where ‘there’ is…just what we intuit from the many things we read, probably every day.
It does require epic levels of trust and faith to navigate these times with any semblance of inner peace, but when it comes down to it, this is why we’re here. This is what we came for.
We absolutely have everything we need inside of us to be successful, as long as we remain united.
And…we know it’s going to be good, and in a Divinely Orchestrated way; a collaboration between Heaven and Earth that’s caught the attention of many throughout our Universe, throughout the Multiverse, in whatever way we can ever really comprehend the enormity of Creation.
We invite your generosity and partnership in bringing this blog to continuing fruition so that all comers can know that they aren’t alone. What’s been curated and published here may well serve as an archeological anthology at some point when this is all said and done, and the people of Earth have graduated into genuine, peaceful galactic citizens.
Please consider making a one-time or recurring donation to the blog via the Hope Chest.
Many thanks and blessings to our loyal monthly subscribers for providing the beautiful foundation from which we’re able to create this blog, and we look to our one-time donors to complete the picture.
There are four ways to donate to help the Golden Age of Gaia ~
1. Both one-time and regular monthly subscriptions through a PayPal account
2. One-time donations using a non-PayPal-affiliated debit/credit card
3. Regular monthly subscriptions using a non-PayPal-affiliated debit/credit card
4. Donations by check or money order made out to Hope Chest and sent to Hope Chest, P. O. Box 2744, San Pedro, Ca 90731
Here‘s how to donate:
Please click, where you’ll have choice as to how often you wish to donate and for what amount. You also will be able to choose to use either PayPal or a non PayPal-affiliated credit/debit card.
If you have a question, please contact Karen at the Hope Chest: