Greetings and Salutations,
The universe salutes all of you. We are all here; we are all rooting for all of you and we are all wanting the same things that you are. We want the law-abiding Americans and citizens in other parts of the world to win and to win big. That is our cardinal aim; to help you win big.
So be it and again, you are closer and closer but as you know the shanks and the clogging machinery are still at work doing what they do so well; fouling up the systems and keeping things in stall mode. That isn’t what you all want but it is the name of the game until some further efforts are handled.
This will last a while longer. We are looking to see this entire thing upended and payouts to happen but— and again we say— it isn’t possible at this time. Continue hanging with the movie and don’t get sidetracked. It ain’t over until the fat lady sings. And she’s not there yet….
Love and Kisses,