My thanks to Len, D, and Brian, the fruits of whose research make up these pages.
Remember: “War” is for the purpose of declaring martial law. Declaring martial law is for the purpose of announcing the fall of the cabal and the return of the Republic.
No need to worry. White-hat action is what we’ve been waiting for.
New York State Mayor Declares State of Emergency

“No to Vaccines”
The pressure builds….
Austria Orders Lockdown for the Unvaccinated, Directs Police to Carry Out Spot-Checks
Jack Phillips, Epoch Times, November 14, 2021
Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg on Sunday announced the country is placing millions of people who aren’t fully vaccinated for COVID-19 on lockdown starting Monday.
About 65 percent of the Central European nation’s population is vaccinated, according to government data. Under the measures revealed on Sunday, unvaccinated people are ordered to stay at home except for limited reasons.
The rules, the government said, will be enforced by police officers who will be out on the streets carrying out spot-checks on people who are in public. Unvaccinated people are already excluded from entertainment venues, bars, restaurants, and similar venues and businesses.
“We are not taking this step lightly but it is necessary,” Schallenberg told a news conference announcing the new measures.
Schallenberg admitted that the government essentially “told one-third of the population: you will not leave your apartment any more apart from for certain reasons. That is a massive reduction in contacts between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.”
Now, unvaccinated people can only leave their homes for a limited number of reasons like going to work or shopping for essentials. It’s not clear how that would be enforced. Austria’s lockdown does not apply to the under-12s, to people who have recently recovered from COVID-19, and will last 10 days, Health Minister Wolfgang Mueckstein said.
On Friday, Schallenberg alleged that the country’s COVID-19 vaccination is “shamefully low” and indicated the government should give the “green light” for the sweeping restrictions over the weekend.
According to video footage posted online, crowds of people were seen demonstrating against the vaccine mandate in Salzburg and other Austrian cities, criticizing the “lying media” on Saturday. More protests occurred Sunday, footage shows.
Interior Minister Karl Nehammer said there will be thorough police checks and fines of up to 1,450 euros ($1,660) for breaches, and all interactions with the police will include checking people’s vaccination status. The move drew considerable condemnation online, with some commentators noting that it would severely limit freedom of movement for potentially millions of people.
“As of tomorrow, every citizen, every person who lives in Austria must be aware that they can be checked by the police,” Nehammer told the news conference.
Showing an official COVID-19 pass proving that you have been vaccinated, recovered from COVID-19, or recently tested has been required for months in various places including restaurants, theaters, cafes, and hairdressers.
In nearby Germany, despite having its “2G” vaccine pass system in place for months now, COVID-19 cases surged to their highest levels last week. More than 50,000 cases were confirmed by health officials.
German Chancellor-in-waiting Olaf Scholz told Parliament on Thursday that new measures are needed “to get through this winter … we must shelter our country from the winter.” Also, government spokesman Steffen Seibert was quoted by VOA News as saying that the virus is “spreading dramatically” and asserted that a “quick and unified response” was needed.
The future of vaccines may look more like eating a salad than getting a shot in the arm. UC Riverside scientists are studying whether they can turn edible plants like lettuce into mRNA vaccine factories.
(Read more:
Swedish Doctor Demands The Pfizer Jab Be Banned!
Ava Garcia, True Defender, Nov. 14, 2021
After the subcontractor’s fraud was exposed, many health experts reacted to the point demanding that the jab is banned from the market.
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“A paper published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) reveals that the company, called Ventavia Research Group, heavily manipulated the phase III study for Pfizer’s Chinese Virus injection during the fall of 2020, just months before it was rushed into production and distribution at “warp speed” by the Trump administration,” Natural News reported.
“A company whistleblower came forward with the revelations, which prompted a group of 16 Swedish doctors and researchers to circulate a petition calling on the Pfizer jab to no longer be administered in the Nordic country.”
“The staff who performed quality checks were reportedly overwhelmed by the amount of problems they discovered,” reported Sputnik News. “The BMJ (study) concluded that the trial raised questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight.”
(Read more:
Shock: CDC Admits It Has No Record of Unvaccinated Person Spreading COVID Post-Recovery, November 12th 2021
A response from the federal government to a lawyer’s FOIA request indicates the CDC has no record of an unvaccinated person spreading Covid-19 after recovering from the disease, making a strong case for natural immunity.
In a response to Siri & Glimstad attorney Elizabeth Brehm, the CDC’s chief FOIA officer notified her the agency could find no records of cases in which unvaccinated people who previously had Covid-19 and recovered, only to be re-infected, spread the disease to others.
Brehm’s request, submitted Sept. 2, 2021, sought CDC records regarding:
“Documents reflecting any documented case of an individual who: (1) never received a COVID-19 vaccine; (2) was infected with COVID-19 once, recovered, and then later became infected again; and (3) transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to another person when reinfected.”
Responding to the lawyer’s FOIA, CDC FOIA Officer Roger Andoh indicated,
“A search of our records failed to reveal any documents pertaining to your request. The CDC Emergency Operations Center (EOC) conveyed that this information is not collected.”
The information, or lack thereof, could provide a reasonable legal argument for lawyers defending clients who are refusing vaccine mandates on the grounds of natural immunity.
The New-York based Siri & Glimstad law firm says it’s helped “hundreds of individuals” obtain vaccine exemptions and fight back against various employer Covid-19 mandates.
Read the full CDC response:

A Definitive Guide To Getting A Vaccine Exemption
Some sensationalist language.
Federal workers with natural immunity against covid sue Fauci, Walensky over senseless mandates
Ethan Huff, Natural News, November 12, 2021 b
(Natural News) Government employees who have recovered from a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) infection and now have natural immunity are suing Tony Fauci and other public employee parasites for imposing “vaccine” mandates.
The class-action lawsuit takes aim at Fauci and the White House for failing to carve out an exemption for naturally immune workers, as well as those who had the virus and now possess antibodies against future infection.
In his executive order, Pedo Joe Biden did not explain why naturally acquired immunity is not an acceptable alternative to getting injected. This is unacceptable, the suit states.
“Because they already have natural immunity, there is no coherent purpose for the federal government to require them to undertake a medical procedure to be vaccinated if they choose not to, or be terminated from their employment, their careers,” says Robert Henneke, general counsel at the Texas Public Policy Foundation and one of the lawyers representing the government workers.
The lawsuit further alleges that the Biden mandate violates the Administrative Procedure Act, which allows for courts to overturn government actions that are deemed “arbitrary, capricious, or an abuse of discretion.”
Biden’s jab mandates violate the law
Former U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner Scott Gottlieb, of all people, who now sits on the board of Pfizer, even came out in praise of natural immunity.
Gottlieb called natural immunity “durable” and “robust,” and said that government officials should start assimilating it into policy discussions as opposed to just talking about the injections.
Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, an immunologist, agrees. He came out to say that it is medically unnecessary for people who recovered from the Chinese Virus to get injected with “vaccines.”
There are also dozens of published studies to show that people who recover from Chinese Germs now possess strong immunity against reinfection. In general, they actually have greater immunity than they would have if they had gotten jabbed.
All of this is being ignored by the Branch Covidians, though. Workers who have attempted to explain the latest science to their employers have found that it has “completely fallen on deaf ears, which is why we’ve turned to litigation,” Henneke says.
“I think it’s clear that the Biden administration, the federal government, is entrenched in their position on this. And so further negotiation would be pointless and instead we’re going to seek assistance from the courts,” he further added.
November 8 was the deadline for all federal workers, including contract workers, to get injected because they are not considered “fully vaccinated” until two weeks after they have received their final jab.
Starting on November 9, agencies were allowed to start disciplining unvaccinated workers, according to Kiran Ahuja, an official from the Biden regime.
(Read more: