Thank you to everyone who attended the Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation class!
Joining the circle on the day, and/or viewing the recording later, our energy goes out into the Collective.
The Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation is a gift of new beginnings.
Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, says this Law is the opportunity for us to forgive those who have harmed us, but even more important, for us to forgive ourselves.
It is the gift of forgiveness to our selves for not expressing and experiencing our selves as Divine. This Law of Karmic Dispensation is a gift freely given and therefore must be freely received as well.
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation
to wipe the slate clean of all things I have done or not done,
all karmic debt that is owed to me and that I owe
and have incurred — be forgiven, erased.
The Recording:
Topic: The Universal Law of Karmic Dispensation
Date: November 3, 2021
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode:
From the Blessing and Virtue of Grace with the Mother:
Dispensation is the removal of what we think,
that our ego, our history, our vasanas
have made us believe,
is our burden —
our fears.
Archangel Michael says we can take countries, tribes, situations to the Karmic Board:
“What we would recommend is that you do this meditation (the Karmic Dispensation Meditation) and you take — you can choose, you can take countries or tribes or situations — take them along with you to the Karmic Board, and allow them to receive the Karmic Forgiveness, erasure, that can take place, and finish this off rapidly.
“That will contribute mightily to the Peace Brigade.”
Using the words I Am we are:
claiming & declaring our Divinity, alignment with the I Am
bringing our self into alignment along with our heart, our consciousness, our mental and emotional bodies, and our physical body (very important aspect of this)
aligning with our Universal Self which is our personal I Am
then a straight line, connecting and aligning with the I Am ~ Divine mind, heart, will, presence
The more we think, act, BE our self within that I Am, the more we will BE
Healing occurs at the speed of Love, which is exactly what we have taught consistently — it is instantaneous and immediate — the rate at which an individual chooses to incorporate it is particular to that person
We do not heal anyone — we act as a vessel of healing by allowing the Source energy of Love, of the Cosmos, of the One, added with our Love to flow through us to that person.
For some it is adequate & enough & accepted that it can be done simply by holding a hand or 2 fingers to the heart
For others they need more coaxing. Is it possible? It has always been possible. This is the way in which the Magdalena & Yeshua healed. It is the way that all what we think of as unusual or spectacular healers have worked — it will become the norm
The more we are in the unity/community consciousness the more this transmission takes place — when our neighbour, our child is out of sync we immediately feel it — the unity is out of frequency — therefore we correct, we balance, then we go forward — this will become more and more commonplace
SK says there is no room for us to be the Observer any longer where there is judgment.
That we can do this in a humorous way. We can say to the individual:
“Well, gee, this sounds like judgment to me, and you know, I don’t do judgment. I’m allergic to judgment. Judgment makes me feel sick. So can we just let this go?”
And then do so.
We are teaching the person we are having the conversation with there is no payoff, no reward, no real tolerance in judgment. It is one thing to discern; and discernment is vitally important in our journey but judgment is cruel.
We have a history of cruelty on Gaia has come to an end. There is no room for it
People think that they say something casually and it is judgmental but that it is not harmful and that is simply not so.
It is very harmful and it speaks to a lack of love, compassion, and allowance.
We do not have permission or the wisdom to judge anyone.
Catri’anna, my principal guide, quote:
We are beginning to glimpse at what is possible once the scenarios of drama, of chaos, of hatred, of greed, of cruelty, of selfishness are let go of, eradicated and erased.
The room, the spaciousness that is created for what we would say, good, is beyond imagination, beyond measure.
The energy that it takes for one millisecond of hatred is phenomenal because it consumes every particle of the being because it is foreign.
It is not natural. It is not the formation of who any person or being is.
When that is freed up, when that energy is no longer simply in existence, the energy that is made available to create, to laugh, to play, to be, to sing, to move, to teach, to learn will be phenomenal, but what is required in that — yes required — that you keep that bar high.
AAM’s Advice when someone is complaining, judging:
Tell them to SHUT UP ! (huge laugh) But truly in a very polite and loving way that is exactly what you are saying to them.
First send them as if you were blasting them, send them pink.
Now as you know I am very preferential and partial to blue but when you send them pink, it is like the gentlest caress of the sunrise and of their pink diamond flame.
So send them first the caress of pink.
Then say, “I understand, not I know, but I understand that what you are talking about, and what you are saying may, not does, but may have some foundation or legitimacy but it hurts me.
It hurts me when I hear this kind of talk because I understand that what you are doing when we talk about this, is simply build the energy of this disharmony, of this pain, of this hurt.
So can we both together send some healing and change the subject?