My thanks to our research team of Len, D, and Brian, the fruits of whose labor appear here.
Remember: “War” is for the purpose of declaring martial law. Declaring martial law is for the purpose of announcing the fall of the cabal and the return of the Republic.
No need to worry. This is what we’ve been waiting for.
UPDATE: 71 out of 75 Districts in Uttar Pradesh, India – Its Most Populated State – Reported No Covid-19 Cases in 24 Hours After Implementing Ivermectin Protocol
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, October 30, 2021
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that COVID cases plummeted in India thanks to new rules that promote Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to its massive population.
The 33 districts in Uttar Pradesh, India have now become free from COVID-19 government announced last month. The recovery rate has increased up to 98.7% proving the effectiveness of IVERMECTIN as part of the “Uttar Pradesh Covid Control Model.” Of course, the media won’t mention that Ivermectin is being used for the treatment of COVID-19.
This state has an estimated population of 241 million people in 2021 and has the highest population in India. This is almost two-thirds of the United States population in 2021 and yet it is now a COVID-19 free nation.
So what could the United States be doing wrong? Let’s ask Dr. Fauci.
Last August, the government of UP issued a notification to have Ivermectin (12 mg) tablets. The Dialogue reported:
“The government notification reads, “Doctors are advising to take ivermectin 12 mg to contain the impact of pandemic. This medicine is quite effective in protecting from covid-19. Therefore, we appeal each and every citizen to have this tablet.”
The notification then goes on to explain the dosage: For positive patients isolated at home (one tablet per day for three days and for primary and secondary contacts (one tablet each on the first and 7th day).”
Uttar Pradesh is the leading state in India to use Ivermectin as early and preventatively in all family contacts. And this state has one of the five lowest COVID cases of all states in India despite having only a low vaccination rate.
Only about 20% of adults in Uttar Pradesh are fully vaccinated and only about 32 million got their second dose out of 241 million people. Uttar Pradesh has the lowest vaccine coverage as of now in all states in India.
Despite having the lowest vaccination rate, at least 71 out of 75 districts in Uttar Pradesh reported zero fresh Covid-19 cases on October 19th and 42 districts continued to remain Covid-free.
The Times of India reported:
At least 71 out of total 75 districts of Uttar Pradesh reported zero fresh Covid-19 cases on Tuesday with the remaining four districts accounting for 12 new patients in the last 24 hours. The number of active Covid cases stood at 118 in the last 24 hours.
With no new or active cases, 42 districts continued to remain Covid-free. The daily Covid case count in the state has not crossed 50 for around two months.
“Despite aggressive tracing and testing, UP’s positivity rate, which shows the level of infections in the people, has been registering a steady decline for several days indicating that Covid is receding from the state,” a government official said.
Read more here.

Both Uttar Pradesh and Delhi have seen an incredible drop in COVID-19 cases because they use Ivermectin early and preventatively. Whereas Kerala, a tiny state located in southern India that is over-dependent on vaccines and less dependent on Ivermectin, has been reporting a significant increase in COVID-19 cases last August. Keep in mind that Uttar Pradesh has eight times larger population than Kerala.
As of October 29, Kerala recorded 7,722 new COVID-19 cases. Here is the latest data of COVID-19 cases in Kerala.
Despite the success of Ivermectin, the government is still pushing the vaccination drive to its constituents and are planning to deliver vaccine doses to 100% eligible population of the state by December 15. They’re doing this to give the credit to the vaccine.
Zee News reported:
Uttar Pradesh becomes first state to administer 13 crore Covid-19 vaccine doses
Uttar Pradesh crossed a major milestone on Friday when the number of Covid-19 vaccine doses administered crossed the 13 crore mark–the only state in the country to achieve this number. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has issued directions to speed up vaccination and ordered the officers to deliver vaccine doses to 100% eligible population of the state by December 15.
The Gateway Pundit also reported the success of Ivermectin in Indonesia after the government granted the Emergency Use Authorization for Ivermectin as the therapeutic drug to cure the Covid-19.
Dr Rochagné Kilian – Blowing the Whistle on Covid-19 Vaccines and D-Dimer Levels
Hit graphic to watch video
Unvaccinated nurses open wellness centre in Kamloops, B.C.
Amandalina Letterio, CFJC News, October 29, 2021. Updated Nov. 1, 2021
A new wellness clinic in Kamloops is being opened by nurses who can no longer work in the health care system as they are not vaccinated against COVID-19. Catherine Urquhart report
Unvaccinated nurses all over the province are no longer permitted to work for British Columbia health authorities.
Kamloops nurses who did not receive the COVID-19 vaccine are using their job loss as an opportunity to start up Ezra Wellness on Tranquille Road.
“We’re not being allowed to help. We were told we weren’t wanted, we weren’t needed — and yet, we know we are,” said team lead Glenn Aalderink.
Ezra Wellness is still developing its platform, but the clinic says it hopes to ease some of the strain on emergency rooms by assessing patients and offering guidance.
It will operate as a private clinic and, as of right now, services are free and nurses are volunteering.
“I saw that there was going to be a need for those of us who choose not to follow the official mandates — to seek their own health care,” Aalderink said.
Unvaccinated or vaccinated, Aalderink says everyone is welcome at Ezra Wellness. He says the goal was to create a safe space for unvaccinated people to receive health care.
Nurses react after B.C. announces mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for all healthcare workers – Sep 14, 2021
In an email to CFJC News, Interior Health says its services are also available to everyone.
“We are committed to supporting all patients, residents and clients regardless of vaccination status. The vaccine mandates are specific to health care works to keep all the people we serve safe,” the Health Authority said.
Aalderink says the unvaccinated nurses are heartbroken.
“We’re here because we want to be. What we have is an overpowering desire, calling, to help our fellow humans,” he said.\
(Read more:
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: American Airlines Cancels 104 Flights At Phoenix Sky Harbor – Whistleblower Reveals Weather Is NOT The Cause, It’s Crew Shortages
Jordan Conradson, Gateway Pundit, October 31, 2021
American Airlines canceled 104 flights in and out of Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport on Sunday, which made up 34% of their Phoenix services for the day.
The number of cancellations is still growing.
Lines of people packed the Phoenix airport today waiting for their accommodations after their flights were canceled.
PHX flights delayed because of flight attendants staffing. This is one of many lines for cancelled flights. @AmericanAir @FoxNews
— Austin Jaworski (@AustinJaworski) October 31, 2021
Earlier, The Gateway Pundit reported that American canceled 634 flights on Sunday nationwide, and more than 1,500 flights have been canceled since Friday. The airliner is blaming ‘weather issues and staffing shortages.’
American Airlines Cancels Another 634 Flights Sunday – 1,500 Total Flights Canceled Since Friday
Their excuse is only half true according to new data obtained by The Gateway Pundit.
This afternoon a whistleblower gave The Gateway Pundit a document that revealed it was staff shortages and not “high winds” that forced the flights to be canceled.
Our whistleblower told us, “High winds My ass. High winds of freedom!”
American Airlines Flight Cancellations “CXLD” means canceled. “UTC means unable to staff a crew. “FA” means not enough flight attendants. “MX” means maintenance issue.
“CXLD” means canceled.
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Almost all of these flights were canceled due to crew shortages.
American Airlines told workers they must be fully vaccinated against Covid by November 24th or face termination.
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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: American Airlines Cancels 104 Flights At Phoenix Sky Harbor – Whistleblower Reveals Weather Is NOT The Cause, It’s Crew Shortages
By Jordan Conradson
Published October 31, 2021 at 8:44pm
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American Airlines canceled 104 flights in and out of Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport on Sunday, which made up 34% of their Phoenix services for the day.
The number of cancellations is still growing.
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Lines of people packed the Phoenix airport today waiting for their accommodations after their flights were canceled.
TRENDING: EXPLOSIVE REVELATION: Indian Television Exposes How Pfizer Bullies and Blackmails Countries for COVID Shots – “Desperate Countries force to Make Humiliating Concessions” (VIDEO)
Earlier, The Gateway Pundit reported that American canceled 634 flights on Sunday nationwide, and more than 1,500 flights have been canceled since Friday. The airliner is blaming ‘weather issues and staffing shortages.’
Their excuse is only half true according to new data obtained by The Gateway Pundit.
This afternoon a whistleblower gave The Gateway Pundit a document that revealed it was staff shortages and not “high winds” that forced the flights to be canceled.
Our whistleblower told us, “High winds My ass. High winds of freedom!”
American Airlines Flight Cancellations “CXLD” means canceled. “UTC means unable to staff a crew. “FA” means not enough flight attendants. “MX” means maintenance issue.
“CXLD” means canceled.
Almost all of these flights were canceled due to crew shortages.
American Airlines told workers they must be fully vaccinated against Covid by November 24th or face termination.
Earlier this month Southwest Airlines was forced to cancel thousands of flights which cost them $75 million after pilots boycotted their vaccine mandate.
These crew shortages are not a result of the weather. Airline employees refuse to have their medical choices dictated.
“UTC” means unable to crew and 13 of the 53 flights were designated UTC.
Seven flights were labeled “CREW” as the reason for cancellation.
“FA” is usually the flight attendant, according to the whistleblower, which seems to be more specific than the crew which includes the pilot and flight attendants. Ten flights were labeled FA.
“MX” means maintenance and only one flight was labeled MX.
It is unclear what the numbers mean as a reason for cancellation.
On the right side of the image, the blank rows in the far right column mean that flight may not have been assigned a reason yet.
American Airlines Flight Cancellations
Not one of the 53 flights listed was labeled canceled due to weather as the reason for the flight’s cancellation but the airline still claims “high wind gusts” are to blame.
SLOBODIAN: Honourable Mounties fight mandatory vaccinations
These Mounties are doing the nation a great service — one that could turn the tide and set us on the right path again.
Linda Slobodian, Western Standard Online, October 25, 2021<
Editors’ Note: This original column says 33,000 RCMP staff have signed the petition. But we have now learned it has also been signed by groups they have partnered with including law enforcement, fire services, corrections, armed forces, government agencies, public utilities, transportation, trades and unions, and health care workers.
So far, about 33,000 Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers and support staff have signed a letter to Commissioner Brenda Lucki protesting the federal government’s mandatory vaccination policy.
That leaves precious few who haven’t signed.
The October 21 communication — Mounties for Freedom: Open Letter to RCMP Commissioner — challenges the legality, constitutionality, and harm posed by mandating COVID-19 vaccinations.
It calls upon Lucki to remember who her allegiance should be to, and to do her job — actual investigative police work.
“Commissioner Lucki, we ask that you represent the best image of the RCMP by remaining loyal to the Charter and Bill of Rights and not to any particular public figure. Our job as Mounties is to preserve the peace. If we continue down this road of segregation and discrimination, we risk repeating past mistakes. The divide in our society is quickly leaning toward a level of national security,” the letter reads.
“We ask that you open an investigation to ensure no criminal acts were committed in the dissemination of information from federal and provincial health authorities or public figures in positions of trust. We ask you to send investigators to collect statements from medical professionals (and other reliable witnesses) who allege they had been silenced — putting lives at risk.”
They demand the investigative results be made public.
“As Canada’s national police force, we are unique in our ability to conduct a large-scale cross-country investigation, which must be transparent to regain trust in the government.”
These are hardly idle demands. What do the Mounties know?
They asked Lucki to challenge the threat to send the unvaccinated home without pay, a loss of manpower that could endanger Canadians.
“We respectfully submit this open letter to express our most sincere concerns and resolute stand against the forced coercive medical intervention of Canadians, and against the undue discrimination experienced by those exercising their lawful right to bodily autonomy.
“We are not against vaccinations, but as law enforcement officers, we cannot in good conscience willingly participate in enforcing mandates that we believe go against the best interests of the people we protect.”
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warned civil servants refusing his “unequivocal” order to take the jab “there will be consequences.”
Trudeau surely wasn’t expecting this “consequence” — an explosive backlash from the RCMP.
The Mounties standing up to politicians and health officials imposing their will on Canadians are diverse.
“We come from various ranks, levels of experience, communities, cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs, and vaccination statuses. Together we are the Mounties for Freedom.”
Fortunately, the RCMP are backed by their union, the National Police Federation, that supports their right to refuse vaccinations. Too many others agonizing over taking the jab or losing their jobs have been forsaken by spineless managers and union heads.
These brave Mounties, who expertly handle incredible challenges daily, refuse to meekly obey an order that impedes their ability to carry out duties, and isn’t based on sound science, law or constitutional rights. The letter offers sound reasons why.
“As Canadians, our constitutionally protected freedoms precede the government, and may only be temporarily limited if the majority of evidence justifies such infringements as reasonable, provable, and guided by law. If presented with all available evidence in a court, we firmly believe the government implemented mandates would not hold up under scrutiny.
“As experienced investigators, we look past what information is provided and focus on how the information is presented.
“Why, then, is there little to no tolerance for free and open debate on this matter? Many credible medical and scientific experts are being censored. Accordingly, we rightly have concerns about ‘the science’ we are being coerced to ‘follow.’”
Enforcing the vaccine mandates has taken a toll on RCMP officers of whom Canada asks much.
“As representatives of our communities within the RCMP and representatives of the RCMP in our communities, we have never witnessed such division in our country. This sense of “Us versus Them” will be further fueled by having a police force consisting only of ‘vaccinated’ people, while serving communities consisting of ‘unvaccinated’ people, which goes against the community policing model the RCMP has strived to achieve.”
“As law enforcement officers, we already face higher levels of stress and mental illnesses due to the nature of our work. These have been compounded — considerably — by mandates that we believe are deeply unethical, threatening our livelihood, and dividing society.”
The lengthy letter addressed many issues including the law, science, censorship, discrimination, and physical and mental health.
Canadians know something has gone terribly awry regarding freedoms we cherish. Most feel helpless to stand up to the helter-skelter, confusing and increasing dictates imposed. Others are threatened, coerced and silenced.
By taking this stand, by demanding truth, Mounties for Freedom may be opening a Pandora’s box.
These honourable Mounties are doing the nation a great service — one that could turn the tide and set us on the right path again.
Slobodian is the Senior Manitoba Columnist for the Western Standard
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