My thanks to Len, D, and Brian for their research, the fruits of which appear here.
Remember: “War” is for the purpose of declaring martial law. Declaring martial law is for the purpose of announcing the fall of the cabal and the return of the Republic.
No need to worry. This is what we’ve been waiting for.
The Australia One Party Leader’s Declaration of Sovereignty
Sacha Stone interviews the clear-spoken leader of the Australia One Party, Riccardo Bosi. I haven’t watched it yet but I’m impressed with Riccardo’s presentations.
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Recordings Reveal Lockstep COVID-19 Protocols, Patient Isolation by Hospitals
Nathan Worcester, Epoch Times, October 31, 2021
Attorneys, medical doctors, and family members of COVID-19 victims have described and offered recordings of what the Truth for Health Foundation calls “horrific hospital violations of human rights,” including denial of intravenous fluids to patients, denial of access to patients by families, attorneys, and others, and the imposition of remdesivir on patients despite risks of kidney and liver damage from that drug and the availability of possibly safer alternatives, such as ivermectin.
“Prisoners in America’s jails do have more rights right now than COVID patients in America’s hospitals—it’s unheard of,” Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, president and chief executive of the foundation, said at an Oct. 27 press conference that she moderated.
According to its website, the mission of the physician-founded charity foundation is “to provide truthful, balanced, medically sound, research-based information and cutting-edge updates on prevention and treatment of common medical conditions, including COVID-19 and other infectious diseases, that affect health, quality of life, and longevity.”
“‘I’m doing my job’ has never been a defense to crimes against humanity,” said Ali Shultz, legal director for America’s Frontline Doctors, whose mother-in-law died of COVID-19 and whose father-in-law allegedly suffered severe harm as a COVID-19 patient at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona.
Shultz said that despite her medical power of attorney, she was prevented from learning basic information about the status of her father-in-law, Chuck, while he was in the hospital.
“I tried everything,” Shultz said. “I wrote every letter possible. I sent every email possible to advocate for them. I was literally carried out in handcuffs under color of law. I was assaulted under color of law. I was deprived access to their health records, I was deprived access to them, and I was lied to. But that’s absolutely nothing compared to what happened to Chuck.”
Shultz said that the Mayo Clinic kept Chuck from any hydration or nourishment over six days, “except one bag of D5 [dextrose 5 percent] water.”
She also stated that the clinic secretly experimented on Chuck with the repurposed rheumatoid arthritis drug baricitinib. They also secluded him for over three weeks more than the Arizona Department of Public Health or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend, she said.
Shultz played a recording of someone who identified himself as a hospital administrator; this recording and others by Shultz were legal, as Arizona is a one-party consent state for recordings. The administrator states that the choice to deprive Chuck of food and water was the standard of care in metropolitan Phoenix, due to concerns about the aspiration of objects into his lungs.
“Yes, of course, we don’t want him to aspirate, but maybe he could get some IV hydration—something at all—or, I don’t know, just an assessment?” Shultz asks in the recording.
In another recording, an unidentified hospital employee states, “As far as visitation in our hospital, we are not going to allow you to visit him in our hospital as long as he is here.”
A third recording referred to meetings in which hospital executives concluded that patients who tested positive for COVID-19 wouldn’t be permitted to receive visitors.
“They’re meeting and they’re all deciding on this together. So either this is becoming the standard of care, or this is the same modus operandi, which actually criminally makes it easier to prove,” Shultz commented after playing the recording.
She urged listeners to prevent COVID-19 patients from being secluded.
“Get in there—it is in the Patient Bill of Rights,” Shultz said. “Just because they’re using the word ‘isolation’ doesn’t mean it makes it any better what they’re doing.
“When an American is isolated from others, what is this considered? Unlawful imprisonment—torture.”
Holding up a document she identified as a police report on the Mayo Clinic, which she said included felony charges of vulnerable adult abuse, Shultz stressed that prosecutors have considerable discretion to decide whether doctors should be charged.
She also highlighted a template for a private criminal complaint that individuals can file online with their state’s attorney general, which she said can be accessed through the Truth for Health Foundation’s website.
Other speakers at the press conference included Dr. Bryan Ardis, who highlighted what he described as the hazards of remdesivir, as well as an unprecedented climate of fear and retribution for medical doctors who dissent from the enforced consensus on its use.
“Now they are punishing those who want to practice medicine and they are continuing to reward and allow doctors to maintain their licenses to practice in hospitals if they just follow the mandated protocol,” he said.
Ardis pointed out that a randomized, controlled trial of remdesivir and other therapies for Ebola, published in the New England Journal of Medicine and touted by Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to the president, actually showed the dangers of remdesivir, as the scientists stopped administering it during the study because it was leading to a mortality rate above 50 percent—higher than any of the other drugs they tested.
He also stated that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is “bribing hospitals” to choose remdesivir with a 20 percent bonus. CMS’s website does, in fact, refer to a “20% add-on payment” for claims coding for COVID-19 and for treatment by remdesivir or several other drugs.
In a pre-recorded interview with Vliet, another speaker identified only as Mary Ann spoke about her Marine Corps veteran father’s deterioration and death at a Bozeman, Montana, hospital. She said she was prevented from being with her father and holding his hand as he died, allowed only to view him from behind glass as he convulsed in his bed, a mask concealing his face.
“There’s something about when you’re able to be with your loved one and talk to them and hold their hand, there’s something extremely powerful in that—and there’s a reason they don’t want us in the hospital,” Mary Ann said. “They want us apart from each other.”
Thomas Renz, legal counsel for the foundation, shared what he called “the most shocking statistic I have seen probably since this has started”: In Texas, 84.8 percent of people who were mechanically ventilated for 96 consecutive hours died.
The Epoch Times could not independently verify this statistic before press time.
“It’s a death sentence,” Renz said.
Vliet concluded the press conference by recommending that patients seek early treatment rather than waiting for symptoms to worsen. She also urged patients to think strategically and plan ahead if they do end up going into a hospital.
“You have the right to refuse treatment, you have the right to request treatment, you have the right to have an advocate when you are in the hospital. When those rights are denied, your civil rights, human rights, and constitutional rights are being overridden—and you will need an advocate,” she added.
The Mayo Clinic didn’t respond to requests for comment on Shultz’s allegations. CMS didn’t respond to a request for comment on Ardis’s claim that it was bribing hospitals to choose remdesivir.
Tennessee Lawmakers Vote to Ban COVID-19 Vaccine Passports, Restrict Mask Mandates
Governor’s office reviewing legislation
Mimi Nguyen Ly, Epoch Times, October 31, 2021
The Tennessee legislature has approved an omnibus bill that, in part, bans COVID-19 vaccine passports at large, and also restricts mask mandates by most entities, with some exceptions.
The measures were passed in the state’s third special session this year, which began on Oct. 27 and was adjourned in the early hours on Oct. 30.
In particular, the legislature voted to ban government entities, public schools, and many private businesses from requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccines or mandating vaccines among their staff. These same entities also can’t take adverse action against anyone who declines to comply with such requirements for any reason.
However, businesses that contract with the federal government and thereby receive federal funds, including public universities, may be able to mandate vaccines and masks after they apply for and obtain approval from the state’s comptroller’s office, if they are able to make the case that not doing so could result in them losing out on federal funding.
The legislation also allows for any people who would normally qualify for unemployment benefits—but left their job because they refused the COVID-19 vaccine amid workplace mandates—to qualify for such benefits.
If approved by the governor, the measures would further restrict vaccine mandates in the state. In Tennessee, the state or local governments are currently prohibited from requiring people to provide proof of vaccination to enter government properties or access government services, due to a measure signed into law in May.
The legislation was approved by the Senate in a 22–4 vote and passed in the House in a 64–14 vote, the Tennessean reported. There are also multiple non-COVID-19 measures in the omnibus bill.
Mask Mandates
Lawmakers in Tennessee also voted to restrict mask mandates by government entities, such that masks wouldn’t be mandated for accessing government facilities or services, and that residents could be granted exemptions on medical or religious grounds.
If signed, government employers, including public schools, would not be able to mandate masks for employees, unless the COVID-19 infection rate is high—a rolling 14-day average COVID-19 infection rate of at least 1,000 cases per 100,000 people—in a certain locale. No county in Tennessee has reached that figure since the start of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic. If a mask mandate is implemented in any county, it would expire after 14 days, according to the new measures.
Masks can still be mandated by other entities, including hospitals, private schools, correctional facilities, long-term care facilities, airports, and certain other businesses.
Other COVID-19 Items
The Tennessee legislature also approved several separate COVID-19 related items.
Lawmakers voted to ban the use of any public money or resources to implement or enforce any COVID-19 related mandate.
The bill seeks to remove the authority from any health entity, mayor, local government entity, or school in the state to quarantine a person or private business over the CCP virus. Instead, it gives the health commissioner the sole authority to outline the criteria for COVID-19 quarantines.
One item in the bill stipulates that places of entertainment can require proof of COVID-19 antibodies or a negative COVID-19 test result to grant patrons admission.
Another item requires that, to vaccinate a child, a health care provider must obtain written consent from the child’s parent or legal guardian.
The bill would block the government from interfering with a health care provider’s decision whether to recommend, prescribe, or administer monoclonal antibodies as a COVID-19 treatment.
It also seeks to require licensing boards to develop a set of transparent rules if they wish to discipline health care providers for COVID-19 treatments, although the rules would be subject to the state’s Government Operations Committee for approval, the Tennessean reported.
The proposed legislation also would require hospitals to allow COVID-19 patients to have someone with them during care, as long as the visitor tests negative and has no COVID-19 symptoms.
Gov. Bill Lee, a Republican, said in a statement on Oct. 30 that his office is “evaluating each piece of legislation to ensure we push back on harmful federal policies & do right by Tennesseans.”
“I commend members of the General Assembly for working to address the Biden Administration’s overreach into our state, our workforce, & our schools,” he said.
181 viewers tune in to President Biden’s discussion of Supply Chain Resilience at the G20 meeting this year in Rome. The video was later delisted.
Discontent builds. Meet the Press poll shows dissatisfaction with Biden admin.
The country is headed —
In the right direction: 22%
On wrong track: 71%
Biden’s job performance —
Approve: 42%
Disapprove: 54%

FILE PHOTO: American Airlines agent helps a customer to check in for her flight at O’Hare International Airport
American Airlines Cancels Over 1,500 Flights, Blames Staff Shortages and Weather
Denies any relation to COVID-19 vaccine mandate
Zachary Stieber, Epoch Times, October 31, 2021
American Airlines canceled more than 1,500 flights between Oct. 29 and Oct. 31, citing staff shortages and inclement weather.
In addition to 340 flights being canceled on Oct. 29, 540 were canceled on Oct. 30, and 650 were canceled on Oct. 31, a spokeswoman for the Texas-based carrier told The Epoch Times in an email.
In a letter to employees obtained by The Epoch Times, Chief Operating Officer David Seymour blamed “severe winds” in the area of its Dallas-Fort Worth hub.
“With additional weather throughout the system, our staffing begins to run tight as crew members end up out of their regular flight sequences,” he said. “To make sure we are taking care of our customers and providing scheduling certainty for our crews, we have adjusted our operation for the last few days this month by proactively canceling some flights.”
American said it expects the issues to be resolved soon.
The spokeswoman said that the problems aren’t related to the company’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
Capt. Dennis Tajer, a spokesman for the Allied Pilots Association, which represents American pilots, also said the cancellations aren’t linked to the vaccination requirements.
Weather was the catalyst, although managemental failure also contributed, Tajer told The Epoch Times in an email.
“Management is failing at the most fundamental part of running an airline. Connecting crews to the airplane. Our employees are suffering this failure as much as passengers as crews are stuck out into their days off while scrambling to find hotels,” he said.
“Mother nature generates a storm and management’s failure to properly schedule creates storms days after.”
Of the flights canceled on Oct. 30, all but around a dozen were due to the inability to connect workers to airplanes, Tajer said.
American announced its COVID-19 vaccine mandate on Oct. 1.
“While we are still working through the details of the federal requirements, it is clear that team members who choose to remain unvaccinated will not be able to work at American Airlines,” Doug Parker, American’s CEO, said in a memorandum that day.
Executives at the company later said employees must be fully vaccinated by Nov. 24 or be fired.
Most U.S.-based airlines have imposed mandates, some in response to President Joe Biden’s plans to force private businesses to either get proof of vaccination from employees or require them to undergo weekly COVID-19 testing.
The head of the pilots association warned the White House and Congress last month that mandates could trigger chaos in the near future.
Southwest Airlines canceled thousands of flights earlier this month, leaving many travelers stranded for days. The airline claimed the problems were mostly due to unfavorable weather and not related to the mandate it imposed, although other airlines didn’t suffer problems at the same time. The carrier later delayed a plan to put workers who don’t comply with the vaccination requirements on unpaid leave.
In addition to the weekend cancellations from American, the airline delayed hundreds of flights between Oct. 29 and Oct. 31, according to the tracking site FlightAware. That included 73 delays early on Oct. 31.
American said that nearly 1,800 flight attendants who were on leave would be returning to work soon and that it was hiring over 600 more flight attendants in addition to working to hire 4,000 workers for other positions.
“The hiring of pilots and within tech ops continues to take place, and we already began ramping up hiring in reservations so more team members will be in place for the holiday season,” it said.
A spokeswoman for the Federal Aviation Administration told The Epoch Times on Oct. 31 that the agency is aware of the cancellations but directed any inquiries to American Airlines.
EXCLUSIVE: West Point Cadets Who Chose to Leave West Point Rather Than Take COVID Vaccine Were Coerced, Abused and Discriminated Against
Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit, Oct. 31, 2021
[The following was provided from West Point Cadets – Willow Brown (L), Hannah MacDonald (C), and Nickaylah Sampson (R)]
False Promise
In spring of 2021, we were told that our decision to volunteer to get the “optional” COVID-19 vaccine would not negatively affect our time as a cadet at West Point. That turned out to be a false promise.
Before being ordered to sign a document saying we were disobeying orders (orders we considered unlawful) in the summer and fall of 2021, we were:
- Forced to share a bathroom and living quarters with the males because we were in the ostracized unvaccinated platoon during summer training.
- Forced to attend a “re-education brief” led only by vaccinated personnel (who denied unvaccinated personnel the opportunity to sit on the panel).
- Subjected to COVID testing twice a week at 6 am, regardless of not having COVID symptoms. The vaccinated can also contract and pass COVID but were not tested.
- Not allowed to leave campus with our friends because our radius was restricted compared to the vaccinated.
- Denied a pass for being unvaccinated.
- (Nickaylah) Kicked off the women’s rowing team, because it was too high of a risk to participate in physical activities outside, but sitting in class right next to other cadets and eating at mandatory lunches side-by-side was not a problem.
- Scoffed at by teachers for making such an unscientific and selfish choice.
- Visibly cast as the “other” when the vaccinated were allowed to go without masks but the unvaccinated were forced to publicly identify our medical status by wearing masks.
- Ostracized and mocked, endured rude comments, pointing, and laughing for being in the “dirty” platoon (a platoon of only unvaccinated/masked cadets) during training. Officers told trainees to stay away from us.
- Had our HIPAA rights violated when my vaccination status was released to the entire freshman class (in which an officer stated that “HIPAA isn’t the be all, end all”).
- Subjected to this treatment knowing that some cadets had an adverse reaction, including heart problems, to the vaccine.
- Coerced and punished by a medical officer and others to make life miserable so we would violate our conscience and get vaccinated.
No Lawyers for Mandate Paperwork, Sept. 27, 2021
When the USMA vaccine mandate order paperwork came down on Sept. 27, 2021, the unvaccinated cadets were escorted to an auditorium where:
- We were not allowed to leave the room without signing a document, acknowledging that we were disobeying direct orders. (Orders that we consider to be unlawful).
- We had a choice to either be vaccinated, separate, or apply for a religious/medical exemption.
- We were denied any legal counsel at this meeting. There were no JAGs or legal advisors available for us to talk to before being forced into signing this document.
- When Hannah raised the point that the FDA-approved vaccine (Pfizer’s Comirnaty) with the proper lot numbers had yet to be distributed in the United States, that the only available vaccines were EUA, and vaccination must be voluntary, she was told that small legal distinction didn’t matter. This issue is important because it makes the mandate order unlawful.
Since then, all medical exemptions pleading the case of natural immunity and antibodies have already been denied by West Point, contrary to science, and the religious exemptions are still being processed.
Willow Brown
“I hope my story can help others stand up in the face of such authoritarianism, even when it means giving up a career I had dreamed of and worked for.” Willow Brown
Hannah MacDonald
“Although I filed a religious exemption, I ultimately decided to separate from West Point. Even if my exemption went through, I could no longer see myself staying in an institution that claims to fight for freedom while using their people as puppets to convince the public to give up their freedoms for a political show. Through all of this, I have learned that this is about choosing the harder right over the easier wrong and refusing to settle for a half truth when the whole truth can be won.” Hannah MacDonald
Nickaylah Sampson
“Everything I worked so hard to attain ever since high school was gone. The hours I put into studying, building my physical and mental endurance would no longer be towards my goal. Now, after leaving everything I knew, I have to start over. The increasing stress of finding a new school, funding and a career path have hit me like a truck. A choice no longer becomes a choice when someone is backed into a corner. I feel cheated out of my education, my goals and my aspirations. I thank God that I am still young and had nothing to pay back to the Army. I only pray that no one else has to go through what I went through, and that others do not have to endure the unethical, immoral implications and effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.” Nickaylah Sampson
While this has been an incredibly ugly situation that has been handled terribly, we tell our story not to stain the name of West Point, but to raise awareness for the persecution our military is under because of our higher leadership.
We do not blame West Point and respect the sacrifices our soldiers have made to protect and defend this country but blame the Biden Administration for ignoring the pleas of thousands of soldiers, Dr. Fauci for shamelessly lying time and again to the public, General Lloyd Austin for his lack of leadership and integrity and the leaders who have the power to make change and stay silent.
We are but one voice, but will use the voice God has given us to fight for justice. Our military has sworn to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic, and in order to uphold this promise, we had to leave the organization that was keeping us from doing so.
Final Comments
“As this tyranny continued through the spring of 2021, I began to self-reflect. Did I want to give up the next 10 years of my life to an organization that so openly wanted to demolish my personal will? Could I in good faith serve people who blindly believed in identity politics and fake science? I was so uncomfortable with my situation and the politics unnecessarily injected that I decided to leave West Point.” Willow Brown, left spring 2021
“Even if my vaccine exemption request had been accepted, I left West Point because the Army is no longer an organization that I believe I can serve in. Unfortunately, serving my country and serving in the Army don’t seem to be so similar anymore.” Hannah MacDonald, left Oct. 2021
“I wanted to dedicate my life to protecting the freedoms of American citizens and defending the U.S. Constitution as an officer, but I was having my freedom to choose and my bodily autonomy taken away. The Army I thought I knew had completely betrayed my rights and their doctrine of “the citizen soldier.’” Nickaylah Sampson, left Oct. 2021