My thanks to Len, D, and Brian for their research.
Remember: “War” is for the purpose of declaring martial law. Declaring martial law is for the purpose of announcing the fall of the cabal and the return of the Republic.
No need to worry. This is what we’ve been waiting for.
Message from Meliana via T
Meliana October 11th
The march to the sea (or should that be see? – teasing) begins (grin). Yes, “There’s a left to the body, a right to the jaw [reference to a boxing match]. But this time the gloves are off and it is winner take all. And there can and will be only one winner—The Mother. Best not to pay too much attention to the news now, sweet one, as it will only confuse, as is its intention. And yes, we are at a critical phase but not perhaps, as you would think of critical. It is like that exhilarating moment in Star Wars the first time you ever saw the ship go to light speed or warp speed. In other words, stand back, get a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the show.
Inside Job by Netflix
Honestly I don’t know whether I should be posting this or not. It’s a Netflix production due out Oct. 22, called Inside Job, which centers around who really runs the world.
It looks like a white-hat attempt to reach people who ordinarily watch South Park. I won’t be offended if you skip it but some people, I’m sure, also have a need to know.
Most Vaccinated State in America Now Seeing Massive Surge in Covid Hospitalizations
Humans are Free, Oct. 9, 2021
Despite the fact that about 88 percent of its population is now “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), Vermont is seeing a massive surge in new hospitalizations for the disease.
Reports indicate that a heavy spike like this has not been seen since the peak of the plandemic last winter, proving that the injections … are not working to “flatten the curve.”
“I think it’s clearly frustrating for all of us,” lamented Michael Pieciak, commissioner of the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation, which monitors virus statistics for the state.
Right now, the number of hospitalization cases in Vermont is almost at record levels. The state recorded September as its second deadliest month, and October might set a new record.
This is all in spite of the fact that almost everyone in Vermont has taken both of the shots recommended to them by Tony Fauci – and many have also gotten their third Biden “booster” shot as well.
If the jabs really worked as claimed, Vermont would be the healthiest state in the nation right now. Instead, Vermont is fast becoming the sickest state in the country.
“The state recorded the highest rate of hospitalizations per 100,000 residents on Sept. 30, breaching a record set on Jan. 31, 2020,” reported Ivan Pentchoukov for The Epoch Times.
“Eight people reportedly died of the [Covid 19] virus in Vermont on Sept. 13, the highest total recorded in the state so far.”
Fully vaccinated Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut all seeing similar spike in hospitalizations, deaths
Some 90 employees from the Vermont Health Department (VHD) signed a letter back in late August admitting that the number of new “cases” of the [Covid 19 virus] has been steadily rising among the fully vaccinated.
At that time, nearly half of all new cases were in people who took the full regimen of injections as prescribed by the government and Big Pharma. Since that time, that figure has skyrocketed to more than 76 percent.
Very few unvaccinated people in Vermont are testing “positive” and getting sick, in other words. The vast majority of all new sicknesses and deaths there are occurring in people who obeyed Fauci and other politicians and took the jabs.
Gov. Phil Scott, a Republican, lifted Vermont’s state of emergency back in June once at least 80 percent of the state’s population received at least one dose of the shot. This reliance upon the vaccine to save the state obviously failed.
“We can’t be in a perpetual state of emergency,” Scott announced this week.
Maine, Massachusetts and Connecticut, the three states that follow right behind Vermont in terms of vaccine compliance, are all seeing a similar surge in new hospitalizations and deaths.
The head of UMass Memorial Health, the largest health system in central Massachusetts, recently came out to admit that ever since the state reached what should have been “herd immunity” from near-total vaccine compliance, hospitalizations for covid have soared 20-fold.
“Massachusetts has the fifth highest vaccination rate in the nation,” notes Pentchoukov.
Connecticut, the second-most-vaccinated state in America, is likewise seeing a massive surge in hospitalizations and deaths – so much so that the state legislature recently extended the governor’s emergency powers to respond to this latest “wave” of the virus.
“On Sept. 22, Maine, the third-most-vaccinated U.S. state, had nearly 90 people in intensive care units, a pandemic peak for the state,” Pentchoukov further adds, proving a direct correlation between high vaccination rates and major upticks in sickness and death.
Source: / Reference:
Canadian ER Doctor Quits: At Least 80% of Patients Are Double Vaxxed
Humans are Free, October 12, 2021
Dr. Rochagné Kilian, an ER doctor in Owen Sound, Ontario, resigned in protest of mandatory vaccines and the corruption of our health services.
Dr. Kilian came to public attention when the recording of the Grey Bruce hospital board was released. In that recording, board president Gary Simms cannot provide any evidence whatsoever of his dire predictions of a ‘tidal wave of pediatric Covid cases’ which he says are coming this fall, while threatening Dr. Kilian when she spoke up for the truth.
Dr. Kilian has spoken out before regarding the growing corruption of our health care services and has shown leadership and integrity by resigning from her position.
“At least 80% of the ER patients in the past three months were double-vaxxed”, says Dr. Kilian of her informal survey of patients entering the ER with serious medical issues. “How many people are we going to kill if we keep following this narrative?”
This percentage is almost identical to the recent public health data from the UK, which showed that 80% of “covid-19” deaths in August and 81% in September were fully vaccinated people. It’s also important to note that the most vaccinated state in America is seeing a massive surge in “covid-19” hospitalizations. We’ve also just learned that in Sweden, 70% of COVID-related deaths between 1st and 24th September were fully vaccinated individuals.
You should also check out the recently-released data from John Hopkins University, which is showing absolutely insane spikes in Covid-19 deaths after countries introduced the Covid injections.
Ex-Pfizer Employee Warns Vaccine Increases COVID by Over 300%
Humans are Free, October 1, 2021
The fraudulence of covid-19 vaccines is on full display, and the evidence is sitting right out in the open. The full FDA approval for Pfizer’s COMIRNATY vaccine contained clinical proof that the inoculation increases COVID infection by over 300 percent!
A former Pfizer employee named Karen Kingston is blowing the whistle on her former employer. Kingston is currently a pharmaceutical marketing expert and biotech analyst. When she scrutinized the full FDA approval for COMIRNATY, she found blatant fraud in Pfizer’s clinical studies.
FDA approves Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine, even though it increases infection by 300 percent
Kingston brought forth a Briefing Document from the FDA’s advisory committee meeting that took place on September 17, 2021. The title of the document is, “Application for licensure of a booster dose for COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA).” The document includes clinical studies conducted by Pfizer. These studies track the durability of immunity offered by the COMIRNATY vaccine and compare it to immunity observed in unvaccinated people.
“If you get the Pfizer vax, you’re more likely to get COVID” said Kingston, “So, when they weren’t injected, their infection rate was 1.3% and when they got injected, it was 4.34%. It went up by over 300%.” How could the FDA have glossed over this evidence and approved blatant fraud?
Since the vaccine was officially approved, the federal government started applying pressure on businesses across the US, threatening them with extortion and fines if they do not impose vaccine mandates on their employees.
The covid-19 vaccines have been injected almost 225 million times into the arms of Americans, causing severe injury and death along the way. Real world observations also support clinical data showing that the vaccines increase one’s susceptibility to covid-19.
In fact, the vaccines increase viral load in the nostrils of the vaccinated. An August 26 article by Dr. Peter McCullough shows that the covid vaccines allow the vaccinated to carry 251 times the viral load of covid-19 in their nostrils, turning them into the asymptomatic super spreaders they once feared.
Pfizer studies show that being unvaccinated offers greater protection
Medical freedom rights attorney, Thomas Renz, went public with the Pfizer fraud. The Pfizer study involved over 36,000 people. Those who were injected earlier in the study were more likely to come down with covid infections later on, showing a clear trend of waning immunity. Those put in “high priority” groups, who were vaccinated earlier on, have a 36 percent greater chance of infection, compared to the group that vaccinated later on.
The group that vaccinated later on went unvaccinated for 5.1 months longer than the group that got vaccinated early on. This placebo group did not have high rates of infection while they were unvaccinated, even though they went longer without any “protection.”
Because of this, Kingston stated that the vaccinated group “have an even higher chance of being infected with COVID-19 than the 36 percent difference indicated by this portion of the study.”
The study even admitted in its conclusion: “An additional analysis appears to indicate that incidence of COVID-19 generally increased in each group of study participants with increasing time post-Dose 2.” Kingston clarified that infection rates “increase over time” when people get two doses of Pfizer mRNA.
Most shocking was the data on the placebo group. In the first four months, the placebo group had “no vaccine protection” and recorded an infection rate of 12.6 cases per 1,000 person-years. The infection rate for the unvaccinated was a meager 1.3 percent.
After their placebo period, the group got “fully vaccinated.” In just a few months, this group became more infectious and showed 43.4 cases per 1,000 person-years. Their infection rate went UP by over 300 percent to a 4.34% infection rate. Mrs. Kingston called this “super alarming.”
“They had less infection when they had no protection. So, that’s a problem,” she said.
By Lance D Johnson / References:;;