Amazingly enough, I’ve been answering and forwarding the email for this blog for nearly ten years. We do gratefully receive some very lovely messages of appreciation, and what follows is the most recent. It’s truly an act of Love and Trust to do what we do in the way that we do it here, so believe me when I say that such an expression from our readers is literally poetry and music to our hearts.
It truly keeps us going.
At this time, when we are seemingly on “standby” as to what the next step will be in the Ascension, I want to thank all of you for this wonderful website. I have laughed, cried, been consoled, felt understood, and spiritually guided. I’ve copied affirmations and prayers and sent copies of articles to friends.
Actually, being on my own, you’ve been the friends that I connect with every day. This site is the only source, aside from Simon Parkes’, that regularly provides me with something to hold onto in the confusion and challenges we’re facing.
I realize that we’re on our own individual paths, that we must make our own choices and hold the higher vibrational energy. All of you help so much in making that happen. Messages from the Arcturians, Archangel Gabrielle, all the channeled messages…they can bring me to tears. They remind me that we’re not alone as we move through this time when one can feel very much like the “majority of one.”
I have so many thoughts, but will try to keep it as simple as possible ~ I sincerely thank each and every member of the Gaia team for “being there” for me and for so many others.
Whatever happens now, whenever that may be, I’ll be waiting to check in with GAOG as we create Nova Gaia.
Much love,