Many of us were raised in what would be considered traditional homes. My middle-class American upbringing informed me that the only people who talked about hearing voices in their heads were pathetic derelicts roaming the streets of San Francisco, twenty miles west of my small Lafayette hometown.
However, one afternoon when I was driving home from Diablo Valley College, a “voice” distinctly uttered, “Watch out, somebody’s going to try and clobber your car!”
A few seconds later, a car swerved toward me over the double yellow line. If not for the extra alertness prompted by that voice…
The only reason I remember this incident so many decades later is that I recorded it in my journal, so I’ve come across it periodically over the years.
I never regarded it as “channeling.” A disembodied voice telling me to watch out didn’t seem too odd to a church-going Catholic, especially one who’d spent considerable childhood time talking with God. I assumed it was my Guardian Angel. Everybody had one, right?
So it’s likely I’ve heard “voices in my head” all my life. Without the prerequisite of living on the streets of San Francisco.
When we’re settled into 5D, no doubt we’ll all joyfully and easily channel whatever we wish to know, learn, be aware of, remember…and “whoever” we wish to communicate with will surely be available, too.
Meantime, I’m glad to have access to the above-the-fray wisdom disseminated by professional channelers. Suzy Ward channeling son Matthew (and many others). Blossom Goodchild partnering with White Cloud and the Federation of Light. Natalie Gianelli sharing Dr. Peebles’ kindly advice and perspective.
Some channelers apparently don’t feel obliged to label their sources as a particular Master, Angel, Star Group, or the like. Peggy Black channeling “the team” comes to mind.
Whom do we channel within our own awareness? I have one primary Guide who introduced himself about a year ago. He’s not my Guardian Angel, but he is a many-lifetimes companion and offers a comforting continuity in my life.
I’ve also communed with a very distant Star Group whose actual name, per Dr. Peebles, is “rather difficult,” and whom I call by a name I made up based on their perceived energy color. “They don’t care what you call them,” Dr. P. assured me.
Dr. Peebles has told me, over the years, that what he calls my primary guides, those in my closest circle at the moment of our sessions, have ranged from St. Germaine to Quan Yin to Ganesha.
I don’t usually ask “Who are my Guides?” anymore when I talk with a professional channeler. The need to name and label appears to have receded with time and trust.
I appreciated the recent discussion about channeling in Kryon’s “Channeling Ourselves or God?”
“The best channelling on the planet is when you get Divine answers from the closest God-source around—your Higher Self. Many are channelling their own Higher Selves and are finding very profound information. After all…it is God…So you are indeed invited to find the Divine within and channel yourself. In the process, it may seem like you’ve found a wonderful Angel who is outside yourself, even with another name. ..The entity is you, and it’s ready to give you answers for you. Blessed are the Humans who find wisdom for themselves by channelling themselves!”
I recall what Dr. Peebles said to me on this topic back in 2019:
“Remember that when you’re communicating with your Guides, it is never that you are calling them in from the next room. So when you talk to them, it’s not as if they’re putting down their cup of tea and poking their head in and asking, Hello, what would you like?
When you’re communicating with your Guides, you are simply opening up, you’re surrendering, you’re becoming more available to the information that’s already being told to you.
The important thing to remember with Guide communication is that your Guides are always getting the message across to you. They are always speaking to you, and the essence of who you truly are, your Universal Being, your Higher Self, is always hearing. So there’s nothing lost, ever, d’you understand.”
Yes, I understand. And I appreciate my Guides and their information—my Higher Self’s information—no matter what label is attached to my method of receiving it.
It’s all good. It’s all God. It’s all One. Perhaps when we get right down to it, it’s always Self telling Self what’s what. And whose wisdom could be better than our own?
Dr. Peebles through Natalie Gianelli, nataliegianelli.com