by Sharon Stewart
Sharon: We have been prepared. We see in the news what they have planned for us because the DS has to tell us before they implement something because otherwise they can’t implement it. We are the creators of the reality they are trying to impose upon us. Ironically.
We’ve been prepared. We know the rules. We heard all the intel, or at least as much as we need in order to make an educated choice, or educated choices.
Which way do you choose? The whole world is watching.
We don’t need any more information at this point, which is good, because we’re not getting much. What we need is to decide. There are many out there predicting future events. You don’t need predictions because your future is in your own hands. As each dilemma comes along, masks, jabs, pp’s, then next it’ll be microchipping, or working in a third dimensional place or a place of higher frequency, you have to decide which you align with.
May I suggest to you that those who have some extra money put it aside to help someone else in need? I have been helping neighbors and lightworkers through tough times already as they have lost their jobs due to lockdowns. Please consider helping out as well. We need to help each other get through this.
Ivo: My love, it is about being able to see the bright side in all of these things. Yes, I know. Some of you are thinking, “He is crazy. There is no bright side.” But this is duality – there are always two sides – it depends on which you wish to focus on.
They are forcing you to disobey and to learn to think for yourselves.
They are forcing you to support each other.
They are forcing you to make more conscious decisions about your workplaces and your lives.
They are forcing you to see the truth of what they have been doing to you for many years now.
They are forcing you to seek the truth.
They are forcing you to re-think your entire lives.
They are forcing you to re-think the way you see others.
They are forcing you to see more of the entirety of true reality.
They are forcing you to make constant decisions about what or what you will not expose yourself to.
They are forcing you to care about other countries you would have bombed only years ago.
They are forcing you to become more self sufficient.
They are forcing you to think more seriously about your children’s future.
They are forcing you to see the rampant corruption that has gone on on your planet.
They are forcing you to re-think what you put into your bodies.
They are forcing you to re-think the way that you entertain yourselves. So many of you are fed up with watching netflix waiting for lockdowns to end. They will not end.
They are forcing you to see their lies.
They are forcing you to see the way you lie to yourselves.
They are forcing you to stand up and empower yourself with a simple word “No!”
They are forcing you to live in the moment, and to stop dreaming of a better tomorrow. Understand when you improve your now, the future will always be brighter.
They are forcing you to stand up and take leadership roles for the sake of other people upon earth whose voices have been stifled.
By threatening to take away your freedoms and your rights, they have opened you up to new possibilities. Even if those possibilities may seem like slivers right now, positive possibilities are expansive and they will grow.
Their rule over you will be overturned, and the ones who will do it are you. With the DS now losing power as the economic system is changed, they will have less ability to rule over you and you will take your rightful places as leaders in your own lives.
Those who fear will be relegated to lower timelines of domination. It is a question of the timelines losing similarity that will split them apart. Now the dissimilarities are more in mind, but they will eventually manifest into the physical which the timeline is based upon.
Then the split will occur.
When there are stores who will sell to the unvee’d.
When there are doctors who will serve the unvee’d.
When there are groups of people who work in unison to help each other.
When new banking systems spring up that serve those who are in defiance of DS law.
When there are groups of people who begin new schools of truthtelling.
When there are groups of people who grow food for their communities.
When there is less reliance upon finances, when more is done from the heart.
And of course, when there is less addiction. Addiction belongs to the lower timelines of enslavement.
They have not even broached the extraterrestrial question in any meaningful way but this is something that is being addressed by many in the disclosure movement.
Do you see the possibilities now?
Do you see the silver lining?
Do you see what you need to do?
Do you see what you need to start?
Sharon: I heard there are Australians bugging out of Victoria to go to farming communities where they are living in commune-like circumstances. I’d like to learn more about that.
Ivo: Yes. These are wonderful times. The very roots of the heaven that will spring forth from this time upon earth.
Me: Thank you, Ivo.
Ivo: My love, thank you as well.
(edited by permission)