From: New Financial System Has Started!
The new financial system has started!
Nothing to do with the great reset of the cabal, but the spiritual elements of the QFS…
I confess I don’t know the full significance of the press release, or even if it’s real. I hear Simon saying it is and he has the intel.
If it is real, it indicates movement, whether NESARA or the Reval or both.
I’m not an economist, but I can’t help marvelling at the change of policy at the IMF. Unless I’m mistaken, the IMF in the past has always discouraged spending on social programs; now they’re financially supporting them.
Again, another indication of movement?
If it’s true, is this money likely to be misused? I doubt it. Michael has said:
Archangel Michael: Not that we will allow you to go wrong – let us be very clear. This plan has been in unfoldment for far too long for money to simply be washed down the drain by decisions that are not beneficial either for yourself or for others and for those who will benefit from the abundance programs, plural. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 6, 2013.)