Philip Gilbert, killed during WW2
In one of the emails I’m receiving, the reader is infuriated.
“I’ve read both your recent articles on this subject. I find them infuriating. I’m just glad you are not making any decisions for humanity. You should keep these ridiculous opinions to yourself. It’s difficult to find this website credible when you spout such nonsense. …
“Death to the cabal is merely slight justice for the incomprehensible crimes they have committed against humanity. Anything less is no justice at all.”
Your email suggests that you’ve been actively fighting the cabal and I honor your military service.
I get your fury. I agree that the cabal’s crimes have been incomprehensibly evil – and I don’t use that word often. They “deserve” to be executed.
How many executions are being touted? I’m not saying where this quote comes from because I’m not wanting to shame anyone. It’s the view I’d like to discuss.
“Nuremberg 2 Tribunals are in full swing: 2,700,000 executions have already been carried out.” (1)
That’s 2.7 million executions before you even heard they were happening, correct? I don’t accept the statement as accurate but it’s the cheeriness of the announcement of 2.7 million deaths that sends a chill up my spine.
Hitler fought a war of annihilation, but that’s not our way. We don’t annihilate our enemies. Do we?
What are we overlooking?
First of all, the energies are rising so that many of Team Dark will soon die of their inability to tolerate the higher vibrations. Mike Quinsey says today:
“The dark Ones cannot survive in such a high level as their vibrations are too low, and, if they tried, they would find it very uncomfortable.” (2)
Secondly, I wonder if we’re worried that the cabal will escape justice or get away with something if we don’t execute them? However, the truth is, by the outworking of universal laws, no one gets away with anything on the other side.
What awaits the cabal’s high-level members? Perhaps read about where they’ll go – the Dark Plane – here: “The Astral Plane – The Dark Plane” at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=The_Astral_Plane_%E2%80%93_The_Dark_Plane.
Any life lived on the Dark Plane is miserable. The inhabitant must endlessly relive each dark event, experiencing the feelings of their victims as well as their own.
The place itself is undesirable in every way. The souls are ministered to and helped to progress out of this pit.
I once asked Michael about Hitler and I’ll put that conversation in a footnote. (3)
For those who are absolutely evil and intransigent and have been given ample opportunity to pull back, there’s a fate we’d think of as ultimate: A return to the First Dimension.
That means starting all over again from the bottom of the evolutionary ladder, which ultimately leads back to God for everyone, even the evil.
Do we have an account of it happening to anyone? Yes, we do. Philip Gilbert, who was to me on the afterworld what Matthew Ward is on this world (a credible informant, an honest witness to the truth), described his assignment to “cope” with “the Belsen gang.”
The Belsen gang were Nazi SS officers who ran Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, deemed one of the worst of the Nazi death camps. Camp guard Irma Grese, formerly a black magician, was sent back from her Earth life to the First Dimension to start over again.
“We coped with the Belsen gang, but the details are difficult to describe. With some, [escorting them to their levels] was easy for they were cowards and perverts and made no positive attempt to assert themselves. They all, of course, knew they were dead.
“The most evil, Irma, was absorbed at once into what is her kind, a descending whirlpool of, as it might be called, sewage. They tell me that there are, very, very rarely, entities who get so low that they can only descend – and be liquidated. We don’t like to think of it here.
“She had a strong will and there was need to exert power upon her – her aura was the foulest I’ve yet seen, or smelt….
“Irma was an ‘old soul’ in the bad sense – she had been forced to re-incarnate as a last chance.” (4)
Complete annihilation would be what I’d call merciless. But the soul is never annihilated. It’s always allowed to start over.
We can be assured that Heaven has educational opportunities aplenty for the cabal, when they transition. They won’t be coming with us whenever the separation takes place. The problem will be taken care of regardless of what we do or don’t do and probably in the near future.
Therefore, there’s no reason for sullying our entrance into the Golden Age by executing “millions” of our “enemies.” I see no justification for it and cannot live with the idea of such an action.
(1) I notice the sentence has now been eliminated from the post – after I took a screenshot.
(2) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Aug. 20, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/08/21/mike-quinseys-higher-self-message-aug-20-2021/.
And Matthew Ward:
“By the laws of physics that govern life in this universe, the low vibrations of darkness cannot enter the high vibratory levels of fourth density. Because individuals who persistently refused the light have carbon-based cells that can’t survive in high vibrations, they will die and their dark activities will cease.” (Matthew’s Message, April 1, 2012.)
(3) Steve: What happened to Hitler after his death, Lord?
Archangel Michael: Well, he was brought back home, if you can think of it in that way. He spent a long time in review, deeper levels of understanding, might we suggest, what we would call reintegration?
It was a very sad situation and there was a great deal of repair work, I guess you would say, to be done and so this one has been contained [in a bubble of love] for a very long time. Well, a long time in your reference point, not a long time in terms of our reference point.
Steve: No, I’ve heard of people supposedly being down there [on the Dark Plane] for 250 years.
AAM: That is not unusual.
Steve: For him, we’ve only had about 70 years or so since….
AAM: So he is still in process.
Steve: Kathleen thought he was reincarnated.
AAM: No, he is not. No, there is much further yet to go. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2017.)
We could learn from Michael’s attitude. Notice that Hitler ended up on the Dark Plane while a concentration-camp guard ended up in the First Dimension. I’d have expected the reverse.
(4) Philip to his mother, Alice Gilbert, in Philip Gilbert through Alice Gilbert, medium, Philip in Two Worlds. London: Andrew Dakers, 1948, 197.
On Irma Grese:
“Irma Grese, The Angel of Death”
“Irma was captivated by Hitler and joined a Nazi youth group. She was later sent to Ravensbruck which was used to train female SS guards. Here she became a camp guard. She was then transferred to Auschwitz where in 1943 she became the senior SS-supervisor which is the second-highest rank a female camp guard could have. In this position she had virtually complete control of over 30, 000 female prisoners. Many survivors provide extensive accounts of the murders, beatings, and tortures that Irma engaged in. She was known for her arbitrary shooting of prisoners, sexual excesses, cruelty and her unrelenting half starved dogs that she would unleash on the prisoners. She was thought to be held accountable for nearly 30 murders a day. Many survivors remember her being dressed in heavy boots and carrying a plaited whip and pistol to beat her prisoners, often to the point of death. These atrocities continued in the Bergen-Belsen camp where she was transferred in 1945…. When Bergen-Belsen was liberated, there were three human lampshades found in her quarters.
“After the camp commandant Josef Kramer, Irma Grese became the most notorious defendant at the Belsen trial. Irma’s only defense during the trial was that ‘Himmler is responsible for all that has happened but I suppose I have as much guilt as the others above me.’ Irma was sentenced to death and was hanged on December 13th, 1945.” (Downloaded from http://www.history.ucsb.edu/faculty/marcuse/classes/33d/projects/naziwomen/irma.htm, 15 Jan. 2008.)