June 19, 2021, trinityesoterics.com
As you continue along your evolutionary journey, you may find relationships suddenly severing. This can make you feel sad and dismayed. This can also trigger any unhealed abandonment or rejection wounds.
What we want you to understand is that when a relationship splits apart, more often than not the person is not rejecting you at all, but rather rejecting a level of growth required for them to go through in order to continue on their journey with you. Or, it could very well be that you have reached a place where you must split apart in order to support the growth and evolution of everyone involved.
One of you may have up-leveled while the other wishes to explore more of the energies where they are. Or one of you may need to go back through a loop of experience in order to review a life theme that you are seeking mastery over. Again, it has nothing to do with you personally and everything to do with what the soul requires for its own expansion and growth.
If you could see it from our perspective you would see it as a beautiful dance, with souls coming together, loving and supporting each other, and then breaking apart to further express themselves in whichever way is best for their own growth and expansion. And you would also be amazed at how often that growth occurs and souls reconnect when they can be in sync with each other again and are ready to enter the next phase of their journey that can be walked together, if it is for the highest good of everyone involved.
Do you see? There is beauty to this movement. Sometimes you will dance closely together to your own music in the middle of the dance floor. Other times you may split apart and dance separately on opposite sides of the dance floor because you can better grow, learn, and express yourselves as individuals when you aren’t wrapped up in each other’s arms. But no matter where you are, or how you are choosing to express it, you are all part of an incredible dance of evolution that is occurring on the planet.
Please rest assured, if someone is not able to continue with you as things are, you will not be left in a void. Another soul will be perfectly aligned to match you where you are and will step in joyfully to share the next leg of your journey with you because the universe will always support you and match you in your readiness for love and expansion with a wonderful dance partner