When you get right down to it, I’m not always a nice person, despite that being my aim.
Sad, but true.
I was reminded of this today after discovering that apparently even the Wall Street Journal has admitted that the virus was, maybe, possibly, created in a Wuhan lab.
The massive leak of Fauci emails last week and continuing into this week indisputably documents his connection to the lab and the probable manufactured origin of the virus. This shocking news has penetrated the formerly impervious carapace of utter denial from the mainstream media, which is cautiously allowing the possibility that it could be true.
Hallelujah. Is this the start of a new relationship between truth and conventional media sources? How delightful that would be.
In addition to feeling hope that the nut of truth is finally being cracked open by the mainstream, I immediately thought of two close friends that I would like to share the information with.
Or, more accurately, crow, “I told you so!” (Like I said, I’m not always nice.)
One friend, before donning his double masks back when that was fashionable, had snorted derisively, “I’m not a vaccine denier,” after I hesitantly mentioned that maybe it wasn’t the best idea to get the vaccine.
Chastened, I shut my mouth and meekly walked with him to the coffeehouse where he had to take off his two masks to drink coffee, surrounded by other maskless patrons.
I did not point out the absurd paradox.
This friend, with his obvious telegraphing via two masks, believed the common narrative that it was a naturally occurring, extremely dangerous new virus and we had better use every weapon modern science has to beat this thing. And of course it didn’t originate in a lab! Those sorts of things don’t happen.
Masks…never mind multiple studies showing that they’re not only useless at preventing disease spread, but hazardous to one’s health.
And a vaccine…never mind that it is not even a vaccine per se. Not only that, it’s also not approved by the FDA, it’s largely untested, it’s experimental, and it doesn’t prevent you from getting or spreading the disease.
Indeed, how I would love to share that Wall Street Journal tidbit with this media-trusting friend.
Another friend, way back in March 2020, was slightly less derisive but still managed to be condescending.
“You know,“ I told her excitedly, “It’s entirely likely that this whole thing has come from a lab and has deliberately been released!“
She looked at me with pity. “It didn’t come from a lab, Catherine.“
End of discussion. “Science,” and those who follow it, are always right.
But now, could the shoe be switching to the other foot? Will what was formerly swallowed whole as “truth“ show up, from the exact same sources that delivered the “truth“ in the first place, as a lie?
“So sorry, we made a little mistake. All those ‘conspiracy theory’ nutcases that we have been silencing and censoring desperately over the last year and a half…this is choking us to say it…they were…right.”
I don’t think we’d be human if many of us wouldn’t do a little dance in the street to see that headline.
I’d be out there, with bells on, not caring if the neighborhood watched.
Okay, that scenario is extremely unlikely. At least it’s unlikely to occur without a number of hedges and caveats to accompany the stuttering of the mainstream as they attempt to continue spinning the “new revelations“ in such a way as to blend with their old reportage that stated exactly the opposite.
Or, as I have read is happening, they are simply going back and stealth editing their previous proclamations. Easy to do with electronic material.
I’d like to see them do that with all the print newspapers, magazines, and books that still exist. Maybe, à la 1984, they’d employ downtrodden little men and women to laboriously excise the damning mentions from every single scrap of paper, right back to the beginning.
And the evidence will get sucked into a giant furnace and turn to ashes, never to be reconstructed or even mentioned again. It becomes “disappeared.”
It worked in 1984. Luckily, that was fiction. This, so they tell us, is real life.
It’s early days yet. A bit is trickling out more each day, it seems.
Will there be a flood? Will there be a massive mea culpa, the mainstream cascading one source after another, we were wrong and we misled you…
While we are frequently reminded that anything is possible, that is so far beyond the stretch of my imagination it doesn’t seem possible it could coexist with bedrock realities like gravity and sacred geometry.
But just in case it is possible, and it is happening, a trickle at a time, I am also reminding myself that in the end, it is only kindness that matters.
And kindness means not throwing people’s words or actions back in their faces.
In a couple of his podcasts, Simon Parkes has addressed these times that we appear to be in right now and how we ought, and ought not, to behave. He says something like, “Although you may be strongly tempted to say, ‘I told you so,’ please don’t.”
He encourages us instead to suggest that individuals do a bit of soul-searching. That these bewildered friends of ours, our social media acquaintances, our families and neighbors and coworkers, take a look at their own attitudes and behaviors.
Why didn’t they see the truth, while we did?
Why did they dismiss and deride every bit of information that we sent their way without even bothering to follow up on it or do a modicum of research of their own?
Busy lives. I had to work a lot, I have a very responsible position. I needed to homeschool the kids. I have to work two jobs to pay the rent…
We refrain from pointing out the similar busyness of our own lives, during which we still managed to do the bit of research that led to our alternate truths.
It would be much kinder to quietly point those individuals toward resources that strive to provide factual and truthful information, to the best of their abilities. Such resources were there before the mainstream began coughing up its few granules of actual fact, and are still the likeliest place to find the “real truth” now.
A hug or two would not be remiss. Preferably in person. And no one is allowed to ask, “Have you had the vaccine?”
Because that is another kettle of fish entirely, one that is likely to stink to high heaven when the lid blows off…