Erasing Borders with Archangel Michael
October 2013, on An Hour With an Angel, Archangel Michael, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, asked us to etherically erase the borders on Gaia. He said:
“I request on behalf of the Mother and the Company of Heaven, I wish you to begin to erase borders.
“And you can see it as a child’s exercise, to take out of a map and with the child’s pencil eraser begin to erase the borders. But do it all over Gaia.
“Begin to erase the borders.
“This is about unity. This is about sharing goods and wealth and information, family, Love, health
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for 30 minutes of sending Love around the world
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“You cannot in the same breath be reinforcing national borders and inviting your star brothers and sisters to come live with you. Such borders are not known to them.” (1)
Below are 2 posts with author Todd Miller explaining the books he has written on the subject of borders.
Imagine a World Without Borders
By Todd Miller, Yes Magazine, May 4, 2021
Walls and fences at national borders enforce inequality, racial divides, and climate catastrophe. But most of them began as invisible lines in the sand.
For decades, Todd Miller has reported on borders and the conflicts they create. In his new book, Build Bridges, Not Walls, Miller invites us to envision a borderless world, one better-equipped for our collective survival.
In this excerpt, he describes the militarized U.S.-Mexico border and considers recent history, when the border was more permeable and life on both sides more interconnected.
Below us in Nogales, the agent abruptly halted his lecture and tore up the hill again, spitting gravel from his wheels.
I was relieved, because you never know how such a scene might play out. Every day such displays of asymmetrical power take place, small acts of aggression that never make the news.
Before long, the agent returned to his perch under the camera post, an elevated spot providing unobstructed views of the surrounding area.
This whole scene would not have happened before 1994, when there was only a chain-link fence with big holes through which people would cross back and forth.
According to longtime resident and musician Gustavo Lozano, back then the only worry was the occasional presence of a kid at the hole asking for pocket change.
When Lozano occasionally got caught by the Border Patrol and thrown back into Mexico, there was no incarceration, no formal deportation on his record.
He told me that he would often cross from Mexico into the United States to pay a bill at a department store for his mom, to play basketball with his cousins, to hang out with his family.
As late as the 1980s, on holidays such as September 16—Mexican Independence Day—officials opened the borders completely and a parade zigzagged back and forth as if the international boundary simply didn’t exist.
What Purpose Does a Border Serve?
By Chris Winters, Yes Magazine, May 4, 2021
YES! Senior Editor Chris Winters spoke with Todd Miller from his home in Arizona. This interview has been condensed and edited for publication.
Chris Winters: You’ve written about borders before, and you’ve got a lot of personal experience living on both sides of our southern border. But why did you choose this time around to write about not just “the border,” but about borders in general?
Todd Miller: The previous work that I had coming up to this book was looking at borders from different angles. My first book was called Border Patrol Nation, so I was looking at the post-9/11 expansion of the border apparatus.
The second one was Storming the Wall, which looks at climate change and displacement and how borders are playing a part in that.
And then I looked at also the internationalization of the U.S. border in the third book, called Empire of Borders. …
There’s a lot of in-depth reporting, and looking at all these different aspects, all these different angles, and really getting to know intimately what is exactly going on: unpacking this apparatus, looking at all the different components of it, looking at the strategies—for example, the strategy on the southern border.
“Prevention Through Deterrence” is a strategy to inflict suffering on people.
That’s what it is, it’s purposely blockading certain areas, so that people circumvent them and go through the Arizona desert where I live.
And the idea is that the suffering or potential of death of going through those areas will deter people, that the word will get back. And that’s been the strategy for 25 years.
And then watching … the $1.5 billion budget for border and immigration enforcement [in 1994] going to $25 billion today. …
So I’ve lived on both sides of the border, and just watching this thing just build up, build up, build up, build up with all kinds of technologies—drones, surveillance towers, motion sensors—it’s just a militarization of the border, really.
And this is what just really led to this book: What is this thing that we’re told is sacrosanct? That we’re told that you can’t question?
Winters: In the book, you somewhat rhetorically ask the question, “What if we just showed up at the border and started taking it down?” We like to talk about the cliché of a world without borders, but what could it mean in reality?
Miller: You can look at the U.S.-Mexico border, and then you can look at the border systems around the world, and there’s 70 border walls in various countries.
There are border patrols in a lot of different places.
My argument is that border security is not about security at all.
Or you have to ask the question, what does it secure? Whose security is it for?
And then when you come down [to] that question, then it’s like, oh, the border is almost formed like a scaffolding to keep a status quo, to keep a business-as-usual world where, it may be overly simplified, but I’ll say it: like the rich get richer, the poor get poorer.
Archangel Michael’s
Blue Flame of Truth
for our Infinite Potential
Join us on Zoom, Mondays 5 pm PST / 8 pm EST,
for 30 minutes of sending Love around the world
(See post of Sunday and Monday for Zoom link.)
(1) “Archangel Michael Talks About How Lightworkers Are Breaking Through ‘Old 3D Paradigms’”, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, October 2, 2013, and