The first part of this two-part video set was posted on March 22nd, and you can check it out here.
Both videos were originally posted back in January, but a timely reminder of this amazing world of possibilities might just be in order.
Part Two is under 20 minutes long, and JC’s viewing journey this time took a surprising turn. I’m posting my notes on it even though it’s short, because the content is very juicy. Watching the video most certainly has value because of the sincerity that comes through in her emotional retelling of the experience.
In the lead-up to her adventure she kept noticing numbers…a phenomenon that we’re all familiar with. 11:11, 2:22, 4:44, etc. She didn’t give it another thought, until…
- Her intention was to go back to Antartica for part two in order to get answers for many more questions., but the travel was instead to a beautiful mountainous landscape with golden light.
- The place was too perfect and looked like a painted backdrop.
- Ships were coming over the horizon, hoards of them, all the same shape (she sketched a likeness).
- One huge ship landed, a door opened and JFK, Jr. stepped out, a younger version from 1997.
- She felt it was a trap or a trick.
- Her male counterpart (remote viewing companion/ally) sensed no deception, and Jr. asked her what proof that she would consider to be adequate that he is who he says he is and was telling the truth…he asked, “how about the numbers?” I recommend watching the video if only to witness the part where she details the 5:55 confirmation she received.
- It was overwhelmingly true and resonant for her, and she asked JFK, Jr. a few questions.
- He looks young because “I can be whatever I want to be. You’re a projection of yourself in this dimension, a hologram on the astral. You need a body to create this program.”
- He’s alive, has a physical body and can project whatever he wants to appear as on the astral.
- He isn’t going to say where he is, but he’s safe, Carolyn (his wife) is safe, Kayleigh is safe.
- The Trump family is also safe.
- This reality is the matrix, not real, a simulation. She asked, “Now that the bad guys are gone, who creates the simulation?” He answered that We the People create the simulation.
- The bad guys are gone and we’re still manifesting the evil, because we manifest the matrix.
- Is Diana alive?* Yes, and she has protection around her day and night until the bad guys are completely defeated. She was under very heavy oppression and so, she must represent such a lineage that they want to destroy her still.
- The Light has won and there’s a new world. We’re creating it and we’re in charge of it. So take back your power and stop dwelling on the fear porn. Let’s begin to create the new world together.
* Psychic Medium Utsava has also stated that Diana is alive in a number of her videos.