by Sharon Stewart
Last night, I was blogging on my website. I’ve got a new page up about the 60’s and the cultural influence the hippies had, who were a bunch of starseeds/lightworkers who were born in large numbers to help bring more light to this earth and to make changes to society. And they sure did. It was very effective.
What were the hippies about? They were anti-war peace and loveniks who brought the values of their alien worlds to bear on our post world war 2 planet, flying in the face of authority and the parents whose vision of life for themselves and for their children conflicted with the ideology of the hippies.
In my article, I’ve written about the societal impact the hippies made, but how in fact the Illuminati fought back against their Light and made their own societal impact in the way of lowering cultural values to what we have today – a world embroiled in a new kind of war, with the normal John or Mary not even acquiring a secure income or an adequate enough income to thrive anymore, far cry from my parents’ days when working for a living paid well and you could afford to have a large family. One parent didn’t even have to go to work then because the other earned enough money. Not anymore!
In our starseed/lightworker community now, we speak of “Love and Light,” whereas this group of rebel starseeds was about “Peace and Love.”
Strangely, each picture I searched through for my exposé had painted vans and placards with inverted Y’s, each bearing an extra stroke of the brush to make three flaring out from the stem to the bottom of the circle. I knew that was wrong. I absolutely remember that the peace signs that were displayed were an uninverted Y, with two strokes branching from the main stem at the ten o’clock and the two o’clock positions. The peace sign absolutely resembled a Y, the same Y you would make holding up two fingers in a gesture. But I couldn’t find any displayed that way.
Somewhat perplexed, I asked my higher self to help me find proof of what I absolutely remember to be true of the peace sign. Why would you paint an inverted Y with an extra stroke on your Volkswagen van if you were holding up two upright fingers to signify peace? I went to bed.
Five hours later I woke up with the answer. It’s simple: they didn’t. The timelines have been changed. They changed the timelines to show the inverted Y with the extra stroke. Chances of my finding proof for what I know to absolutely be true are now rather remote but I know of another lightworker who has told people the same thing I’m telling you now and he’s my age.
In the same way that some believe Nelson Mandela died in the 1980’s and some believe he died in 2013, there is confusion. Wikipedia says he died in 2013, so that must be the Illuminati’s preference, or is it? Wouldn’t it suit them better to have a leader of an anti-oppression movement die off earlier like Martin Luther King, so they can continue to control and oppress people? I don’t know. What is their agenda? Or was Mandela’s power so strong that he defied their attempts to erase him from history and lessen his influence on the people?
If the controllers changed the symbol of the peace sign, what else did they change that we don’t remember? If that little item has to be changed to most likely signify the opposite of peace and love, which is war and hate, what else did they change?
Do you see how they win?
In fact, we’re living on their timelines when we’re in the third and fourth dimension, folks, so they can basically do with us what they like, and we won’t even remember. Which is the case here. On their timelines, you’re at their beck and call, and you’re basically just a mind controlled zombie, sorry to tell you. Why do you think they’re trying to merge us with technology now? Because we’re about to take control back of our minds, that’s why, so in order to keep us where they have had us, they have to increase control. And you see that playing out now, in fact with the v and the masks.
I’ve always wondered why these 60’s starseeds conformed to the same societal structures as their parents had, when they were so diametrically opposed to the lifestyles of their parents. Maybe they didn’t until the timeline was changed. Think about that the next time you think you really know yourself. Boomers, are you living the life that you would have when you were 18? Why did you change? What were you doing then that called to your heart that you’re not doing now?
Again, this makes a case for ascension and reaching to the safety of fifth dimensional earth, where your reality cannot be tampered with and your free will is valued.
Do you see the threat that John Lennon posed because he was going to reveal all the tampering that had been conducted in the days of the Beatles? He may have given us what we needed to change the timeline back. Did they kill off a strong lightworker like Lennon because he refused to comply, knew too much, and would use his influential powers to keep the peace and love ideology alive?
What kind of power does it take for them not to be able to change our reality? How much Light has to be anchored for us to win when our minds are being controlled and we willingly give over our hopes and dreams to spend days in front of TV screens and wearing masks? However, even those who comply are still bringing in extraterrestrial power, however they’re focusing it on the wrong thing. Can you imagine the power even more lightworkers have now than they did in the 60’s? There are many more of us, yet so many are still living the lifestyles alloted to them rather than choosing for themselves. They have succumbed to the watered-down values of the system rather than listening to their own hearts.
The other thing I need to ask is why, if ETs can remember events from past lives with extreme detail, why is it your memory of your teenage years is so vague? How come you don’t remember every detail of your life with clarity? My older brother can, but he’s autistic and is considered somewhat of a savant. He has the memory of an elephant. He remembers everything exactly as it happened. Why don’t we have that ability and he does?
Ivo: These are all very good questions, my love. And yes, the timelines have been changed several times. How would you get a group of non-compliant hippies to conform to society, albeit bringing their own innate abilities and values from their past lives as extraterrestrials, but not to have so many even wake up to the fact that they are extraterrestrial in nature? Even Lennon did not realize he was until he died.
Me: Interesting.
Ivo: They fear you, and they will do everything to make you conform to their agenda for you. Even your realizing this little detail is evidence you cannot hold a strong lightworker down. And that is the power that was required to battle their influence on the people of earth because earthlings were too mind controlled, having experienced it through successive lifetimes.
They did change the timelines. There were events that occurred during the 60’s that have been wiped away from the memories of those who were involved. Having never been reported in the news, there is no record of it.
Me: They’d change the news, though, as part of the timeline, wouldn’t they?
Ivo: Sometimes details are missed. This is why they are very cautious about what they report in the news – because information is Light and you are Light holders. So they must ensure you hold the stories that they wish you to hear. The fact that so many are confronting their lies and reporting the real details, just that alone, is terrifying for them. They know they have lost control when they cannot get you to believe their narrative.
Me: Hmm. Makes sense.
Ivo: And that is a good question. How do you get so many starseeds to settle down and live the lives of their parents.
You refused to.
Me: Well, no wonder. What an example I had! This was from the book of “What not to do.”
Ivo: Yet, you knew you had other paths to walk, my love. You knew you did not come here to be married, and you were strong enough that their attempts to get you to conform were always thrown aside as you forged your path. You are a strong lightworker. Everything they did to tempt you into their way of life was rejected. You still do this.
Me: I know. It gets old. I always say you catch more bears with honey. But they keep sending me poison apples so I learn the lesson and don’t eat the apple. I walk on.
Ivo: Lennon was a strong one. He had too much influence, and yes, he alone could have changed the timeline back. There were still enough who remembered the 60’s accurately at that time. How many can say that now? Given the new impressions of the 60’s that are mimicked by younger generations, replete with ds disinformation, the original story is faded in your memories.
Yes, they tamper with your reality, and they mess with your memories as well. How many things do you ask actually happened or am I making that up?
Me: I don’t tend to look back. Nothing to see back there. I have my flashbacks to help remind me of what was done to me.
Ivo: Yes. These are ways to circumnavigate timeline tampering. It stands of value to repeat that the third and fourth dimensional timelines are artificial timelines. However, the fourth dimensional timeline is now strengthening as a natural timeline again thanks to the influence of the lightworker. You are taking it back, and when the dark ones are all collected and their AI computer is destroyed, there will be enough holding the fourth dimensional frequency to support those who wish to live there until this too, is merged with 5D.
Yes, very interesting to watch. Pay attention to your memories, and for those who are younger, make records of your life, such as a journal and take pictures. You will always have this to fall back on when memories may fade.
Me: So that’s still going to happen for now?
Ivo: For now. Until you are become proficient at reading the akashic records.
Me: Can they tamper with them as well?
Ivo: Of course. Through your minds, they do this.
Me: Okay. So the question is “What is reality?” It could change from day to day.
Ivo: For those who are stronger in their interdimensional power, it is more consistent. The tampering will be dealt with soon enough and your memories will return.
Me: I’ve heard so much, on facebook of course, about not going back to the past, etc etc.
Ivo: This is part of their programming. They want to change your past so they can change this moment in time. They are always tampering with timelines. Your history is yours and you should be able to recall it at will. But because of timeline tampering and the tampering with your minds, it is not always possible.
Those who are strong in their light hold the timeline energy steady in the past as well. They have more trouble fighting your influence. It stands to reason they are doing their utmost to change timelines now, especially since they are losing the war.
Me: Sounds about right. So we’re here to anchor that light, and report it on to others whose reality may be slipping into the wrong timeline.
Ivo: Correct.
Me: Aha. Thank you, Ivo.
Ivo: My dear, do you see what a good night’s sleep can bring?
Me: Yes, answers to things I want to know. I get them day and night now. LOL
(edited by permission)