This Sunday, October 4
Three Times: 8am, 3pm, 8pm ET (New York)
Download available if you cannot make Sunday’s times.
We only ask that this transmission be done immediately.
Transmuting Hate Propaganda and Misinformation
There are extremely harmful levels of false information streaming through all forms of communication channels. Intentional malicious programming is perpetrated to keep people in fear, division and states of victim consciousness.
This is fueled in part by reflections of globalists and new world order ideologies, highly polarized geopolitical rivalry, media monopolies and corrupt mainstream news. Certain factions vie for power and control while aiming to control and regulate every aspect of human life.
These gross appearances feel their eventual demise, which has fueled increasing deception and mass confusion. This indeed is assisting in the mass awakening of consciousness, yet, is also bring great harm and destruction.
We are at a overwhelming tipping point in our forward evolution. This precarious world crisis that now demands we go into immediate action. Our unified activity will help neutralize rising potentials that are highly detrimental to the evolutionary path of the human race.
Join us this Sunday for a massive demonstration of Group Avatar humanitarian service. We are commanding Divine Truth and Justice to be revealed!
When we come together as one and from the purity of heart intention, we form global Group Avatar. This is a powerful energy field and planetary force of great power and invincibility.
In this act of unified transmission, each of us is a sacred conduit for the light of divine intervention. In this selfless humanitarian role, we are transmitting our own codes of accomplishment to the Crystalline Grid to ultimately reach the higher mental body of all people.
This means… all that you have awakened to, all that you have self-realized and all that you now embody as a Divine Human. These are your sacred codes and your gifts to the world.
Join Group Avatar and be part of the healing solution during this time of worldwide crisis. We can make a real difference in potential outcome.