Archangel Michael is preparing us for our new roles, I think. Here he counsels us not to use tools or machines or procedures that do not feel as if they were made with love. He also asks us to be aware of but not swept up in the current disarray.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 16, 2020.
Archangel Michael: You are … helping those who seek the peace, who seek the truth, who yearn for love.
For that is the definition of Nova Earth and Nova Being. It is not complex or complicated. In fact it is really quite straightforward.
There are many descriptors in the richness of your language and in fact, all languages. And I do not simply mean human languages.
The language of love is universal. Yes, the array of descriptions, the array of expressions is very close to infinite because those expressions and the ways in which one comes to the understanding of love continue to expand.
So often when the Mother has spoken of her infinite and ever-expanding universe – omniverse – there is a tendency, particularly in the human realm, to think of, shall we call it, the material [domain] where the concrete – a new planet or a new galaxy or a new tool or a new machine – was born, invented, anchored.
But in fact, the expansion primarily is the expansion of these sessions of love. And yes, the expression of love can be as simple as the perfect spatula, as the perfect tool, a screwdriver, a generator, a computer. Because it is created in love and it fits. But underneath that is the knowing, is the expression of “taking care of.”
So often in the human realm and by the way, as an aside, you can tell (and when I say “you” I mean anyone who chooses to stop for a moment and pay attention) you can always discern if a particular tool, an object, whether it is a screwdriver or a galaxy, is created in love. There is a sense, yes, not only in your mind but in your heart of a fit, of a comfort not merely of utility but that the love has been infused, that the care and the pride (not in terms of ego but pride in terms of honouring one’s work) is in there.
And, when it is not, that is also very apparent and in those areas where the love, the comfort utility, the joy is not felt, then our guidance is to simply steer clear. Do not use the tools. And in this I include words that do not convey or contain or emit love, peace, joy; all the various words, the lexicon for love.
And I say this to you because … you take the, what I would call “critical time,” to ensure that which you are communicating through our platform is contributing to the love, to the collective sense of peace – yes, even in the midst of this chaos.
So often, and I do not say this in any kind of critique or critical manner. So often when humans are witnessing or even being caught in the upheaval and chaos, what becomes their reality is the chaos, is the upheaval.
So what you are doing is identifying, yes, this is chaos, this is upheaval, this has need to shift, this has need to be redefined, redirected. But uplifting them to look at the bigger picture of where they are headed that they, as a beautiful bright human collective and as individual souls, are not defined in any way shape or form by the disarray.