Happy New Year, everyone! Happy New You!
Hope everyone enjoyed last night and was safe.
Well, we did not achieve the complete elimination of child trafficking by Jan. 1, 2021.
But what I learned from the experience was that, if you’re going to take on a cause, you need to be available to it. And I’m so completely taken up with the cause of Ascension ethnography that I really shouldn’t be taking on other causes, no matter how noble.
My New Year’s resolution is to stick with writing.
But I want to follow up on what I was reporting on yesterday. I discovered two qualities that were missing from my childhood inheritance – confidence and security. Now that I’ve named them, I’m experiencing all kinds of resonance.
I use every occasion to repeat this point because it’s so important and central: This is another case in which the truth has set me free.
The truth (that security and confidence were missing from my early childhood) has eliminated cognitive dissonance (the dissonant question always being: What’s wrong with me that I don’t feel happy?) and left me understanding my dissonant condition.
Krishna once said that the whole reason for physical incarnation was to sharpen our discernment. The purpose of life is to know who we are. Ultimately we’ll want to discern between everything we’re not and the One that we are. So sharpening our discernment is of first importance.
We know when our discernment has been sharp because … you got it. The truth has set us free from the upset of cognitive dissonance. It’s foolproof. If we feel no release, no truth is being spoken. Back up and go another way. Use increasing release as our guide that we’re on the trail of the truth.
What I saw yesterday was a first for me. I saw qualities that I had at some level, which I had suppressed because of physical and emotional abuse. Having identified them, I feel them now gradually returning. I feel at home with both confidence and security. I’ve known them before. I can slip right back into both of them.
I think they became exaggerated because I lived in the family equivalent of a war zone and only heightened emotion seemed to register. But I’m just starting to get now that the war is over and has been for decades.
I get at a fairly deep level that I’m secure. And when I let go of both self-importance and self-negation, I feel the return of confidence. Why this is so, I wouldn’t be able to explain. I’m just reporting what occurs.
The change in me since I rediscovered confidence and security in myself is quite satisfying. I’m seeing a side of me that I cannot recall seeing this lifetime and frankly I’m enjoying it.
This is not like bliss. Bliss is elevating. This is grounding, stabilizing. This tends toward peace and has peace’s same granite-like quality. Why peace would be solid like granite, I have no idea. (1)
Hmmmm….. Security and confidence tend towards peace. Interesting. Where next with this jigsaw puzzle called human life?
(1) Michael has also compared peace to granite:
Archangel Michael: So, when you think of things that you should do, are supposed to do, might do, and it doesn’t ignite that fire of excitement, and that granite of peace, then you are being given an important piece of information, which is ‘look elsewhere.’ Is that clear?” (“Transcript ~ Archangel Michael: You Have Chosen to Be the New Paradigm of Love, May 31, 2018,” June 7, 2018 at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/06/07/transcript-archangel-michael-you-have-chosen-to-be-the-new-paradigm-of-love-may-31-2018/.)