I was recently asked how we create context, where it comes from, etc. I have the correspondent’s permission to post my reply:
The answer to your question takes us into territory that isn’t easy to talk about.
You know how often I’ve said that there’s no comparison between ordinary love and the higher form of love?
Ordinary love is like Tang (an orange-crystal drink) and higher love is like freshly-squeezed Florida orange juice.
By the same token, an ordinary concept is also like Tang and a concept experienced as a context is also like freshly-squeezed Florida orange juice.
Werner said that when we experience an idea as a context we also experience mastery, completion, etc. That’s his way of saying the same thing I just did.
The very first time you experience an idea as a context, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. Until then it remains for us like a mystery.
I’ve experienced peace, abundance, mastery, love, bliss, and ecstasy at a contextual level and each of them has blown me away. Remember that we move from intellectual grasp to experience to realization and one level higher is not anything like the level below.
“Is it like Divine Will?”
Us moving from the intellectual level to the experiential to the realized IS the Divine Will for us so in that sense it is.
The overall Divine Will is for us to realize our true identity as God so that God can meet God (see my article from Nov. 24.) (1) But what the Divine Will would specifically be is not something I’d know.
Given that at the contextual level we’re coming from love, the Mother has said that as long as we’re doing so, we’re acting in accordance with the Divine Will so on that basis I’d say yes.
“The question is one of how do we go about creating a context.”
We go about creating context, as Werner said, from nothing. From nothing, we declare. Our declaration arises from the inner silence – not from something already known, not from a mere pre-existing idea, not from memory.
Most good ideas come from nothing, from the silent mind, from inspiration perhaps, from we-know-not-where. The creation of context comes from that same nothing or quiet mind. And when it arises, it’s like a starburst. We call these “Aha!” moments, peak experiences, etc.
“Is it that if we get enough people to join or participate then collective will = Divine Will? Or is it that the supporting energetics of the time creates the collective will in the first place, which then creates the context?”
No, it has nothing to do with having enough people agree with us. Agreement is usually intellectual. Agreement has no necessary relationship with context.
Alignment is the whole being making the matter its own – owning it. That is contextual – at least experiential; at best realizational.
The easy way to say this is to say that “contextual” is higher dimensional than “conceptual.” Conceptual is third dimensional while contextual is of a higher frequency.
“Or is it that the supporting energetics of the time creates the collective will in the first place, which then creates the context?”
Well, certainly if the energetics of the time raise me to, say, the Fifth Dimension, then I’ll be behaving contextually. But we’re talking about now, before we’re all in the Fifth Dimension. Focusing on now, it’s as I said: We create context from nothing, from the Self.
When I’m afraid, I stamp my foot and the fear goes away. If the action occurs spontaneously, where did it come from? From the same place that context arises from – the Self … from nothing; that is, no thing.
It isn’t a matter that’s easy to talk about or understand. But once you’ve created context, it’s not something you ever forget.
(1) “Oneness: The Foundation for Building Nova Earth,”