We are off Google’s blacklist.
The site is clean and always was clean – swept by every malware and virus cleaner on the market. We’ve had a continuing struggle to get Google to recognize this.
It now appears it’ll take 24 hours for Google to lift its warning sign. However there is no danger posed by accessing the site.
The dreaded red screen is back. Google has identified that another link to another site has malware. Now we need to find out which link that is.
We’re vigorously trying to identify it. We may need to stop posting from that site until the problem is fixed.
So if you see one of your “regulars” temporarily not being put up on this site, we’re awaiting them also fixing the problem.
We’ve taken the executive decision of no longer making our links “hot” (hyperlinked). That’s the only way to eliminate the malware menace from this site (it doesn’t address the problem on other sites, I’m afraid.)
Meanwhile, I’ve found that I can get on this site by closing the tab and trying again. I’m not sure why that works, but it seems to.
It also works to go to “Library” first (https://goldenageofgaia.com/library/) and from there to the home page (clicking on the words “Golden Age of Gaia” in the banner).
Finally, you can hit “More Details” on the red page and “ignore the risk” on the next page, which will take you to the site.
Sounds scarey but I ran Malwarebytes and CleanMyMac on my computer after doing so to see if I picked up any malware and my computer was clean. So the problem seems only to result in a denial of access.
We apologize for the inconvenience.