November 17, 2019,
True liberation does not stifle excitement to avoid any inevitable let down. Equally so, true liberation does not fight sadness as if it’s a barrier to better feelings. Instead, true liberation knows the oscillating relationships between both sides of the emotional scale– where, like the changing of the seasons, there’s always a time and place to experience exactly what is meant to arise.
If attempting to constantly tip the scales in favor of one, while denying the other, the radiance and magnitude of your unlimited power is exchanged for the illusory solace of hiding in the fantasies of imagination.
May these words act as a deeper invitation to face it all and feel it all as the true liberation that you are, whether you think you are doing it right, wrong, or anywhere ‘in-between’.
True liberation does not stifle excitement to avoid any inevitable letdown. With everything to welcome and nothing to strategize, manipulate, or process — this is the foundation of the new spiritual paradigm.
All For Liberation. All For Love,