Valerie Donner also channels Apollo:
Here is a message from Apollo on September 3, 2019:
“Look around you and see what you have noticed. There is so much more than meets the eye. There is much that has been hidden. As you awaken from slumber it begins to reveal itself. This is the great unveiling. Many mysteries will be revealed, the secrets of the ages. You are on the Golden lit pathway of truth. This is the day of Revelation. It is the Golden age where all darkness will be washed away and only light and truth will prevail. Enjoy the process. It is your journey home.”
This is another message from Apollo on September 4, 2019:
“What might be seen as disgusting to you in these days of Revelation is just the tip of the ice berg. The assault on the Earth and humanity by the dark ones is not a pretty picture. Take note, this is being transformed and the offenders are being given their just desserts. This type of energy is no longer welcome or allowed on the Earth. You deserve so much better. The destruction is being cleared and what will remain is a beautiful new way of life. Welcome it!”