Our discussion then turned to her feeling of anger about the state of our world and all the suffering and manipulation that Humans have been subject to. Then she spoke of the fear that we’re trading one elite group for another, with this newer group being the ‘spiritual elite.’
Many are wondering as well: What about the folks who have to fight for their daily lives and have no access to higher knowledge, with barely the juice for a positive thought? The article that was referenced also stated that many will die in the Event.
For clarity, the following examples can be male or female, cat, dog or horse and any combination of the same.
My own vision about people who are unaware of or unable to participate consciously in the Ascension Process is clear. Say, for example, there’s a man who’s lost his home and is living on the street. Maybe he has a dog, and no matter what else each day brings, he makes sure his loyal friend has food and water. That’s Love, and Love is always seen and rewarded in kind.
Hardship fosters compassion. Having to contemplate one’s own survival on a daily basis can be a deep spiritual awakening.
Another man has no financial worries, yet he commutes back and forth to a job for many hours each day, five days a week. He comes home late and has just enough time for making dinner and getting things ready for work the next day, with maybe a little T.V. before heading off to bed, because the alarm goes off pretty early. There’s not a lot of fun or freedom in this life, either, but maybe the reason he shows up every day is to keep a family going…also for Love.
My point is that inside each of us is a knowing, deep in our bones, that we’re all connected and that being kind and being in service is what we’re here to do. People who never heard of Ascension but who choose Love as the basis for all (even most) of their decisions will be given the same opportunities as those who have awareness.
The ultimate goal is to bring everyone along, and great efforts are being made on behalf of the Human Collective to do so. Those who don’t come along have made a choice not to, and it’s not actually anyone else’s business when such a choice is made.
Some will choose to go through Ascension by dropping the body. How could we make the call for anyone else that their choice is wrong? A loved one’s choice to drop the body might not be in our personal plans for them. It’s painful to lose those close to us, but how can we know that what they’ve chosen isn’t the most blissful and perfect next step for them?
I get the point about a ‘spiritual elite,’ but there’s no such thing anywhere but in people’s perceptions. We’re all in this together. Nobody gets out alone, and we really have grown up enough to say on our own what’s true for us as a Sovereign Beings. What if we were to share the view that all of us are on the same path, but in a different place on it with differing perceptions?
If we find that reading a channeled message is troubling and starts a fearful thought process, it might be worth it to seek more information from other sources. And always check for how it feels in the body while taking in and processing what information is being offered.
While we do need to know where we’ve been, we surely don’t need to dwell on the horrors of true Earth History for long. That grand manipulation is ending, and our attention is best placed on what we want and what we love in this Now moment. It may be that the only power the cabal has any longer is what we give to it.
I don’t necessarily disagree with anything written in the article that prompted the initial inquiry, but I also don’t know if the Event is a solar flash that kills many. We’ve been getting frequency bumps for quite a while now. It used to be that they’d take place mostly at celestial events and portal dates, but now there’s no let-up to the rising energies.
Doing our personal work and living according to our heart’s choices raises our frequency. I suppose if we choose to hold onto our wounding but have a loving heart, Divine Dispensation comes into play. If we have the Love of others and we have their prayers and good intentions, how lovely and wonderful for us, and how great a frequency bump for both parties!
The prayers of all those working for the Ascension of the Whole help bring up those who haven’t the juice to lift their own selves up.
Truly, the most important thing each of us can do to help the entire Collective raise up is to keep ourselves happy. Seriously, to spend any of our powerful thoughts and feelings on negative outcomes is counterproductive to what we wish to bring to fruition. We need to find a way to be at peace with what is so.