When I feel dejected and someone inspires me, I can go in one of two directions.
I can let go of the inspiration and continue to feel dejected.
Or I can let go of the feeling and continue to be inspired.
Being inspired, as far as I can see, awakens the will. We become “determined” to act on something and produce the desired result.
The will is strong enough to have us individuals forget about our feelings and act.
Once acting, we may find that our feelings often change, though not always. Some persist and must be experienced through.
There’s no hard and fast rule, as far as I’m aware, of what to go with. Sometimes it’s best to experience the feeling to completion (“feel to heal,” Kathleen calls it).
Sometimes it’s best to let the feeling go and follow the will.
So what inspires me?
I usually breathe love up from my heart. At the first touch of love, I find that my mind opens and I’m receptive to ideas. Less than a second later I have the first sentence. The process is pretty reliable.
Love inspires. It uplifts. It brings all things to remembrance, so to speak.
It all comes back to love, which Archangel Michael calls our spiritual currency. Are we wealthy, spiritually? Well, do we love?