Not necessarily a surprise for us. The surprise is that this article was printed in Forbes Magazine.
This Is Why The Multiverse Must Exist
Ethan Siegel, March 15, 2019
Look out at the Universe all you want, with arbitrarily powerful technology, and you’ll never find an edge.
Space goes on as far as we can see, and everywhere we look we see the same things: matter and radiation. In all directions, we find the same telltale signs of an expanding Universe: the leftover radiation from a hot, dense state; galaxies that evolve in size, mass, and number; elements that change abundances as stars live and die.
But what lies beyond our observable Universe? Is there an abyss of nothingness beyond the light signals that could possibly reach us since the Big Bang? Is there just more Universe like our own, out there past our observational limits? Or is there a Multiverse, mysterious in nature and forever unable to be seen?
Unless there’s something seriously wrong with our understanding of the Universe, the Multiverse must be the answer. Here’s why….