Rep. Elijah Cummings has made one of the most stirring, inspiring, and sensible commentaries following testimony that points to a pattern of … well, how can I avoid saying it? … criminal activity on President Trump’s part.
Before turning to that, I’ve heard very few politicians who could reach the places that Cummings reaches – he marches us from the current situation to the world level, saying “We are better than this.” He described the “new normal” he wishes to see, which would be a return to what we call the divine qualities.
He described how he thought that calamities such as have befallen Michael Cohen should be seen as fortunate events, marking a new beginning. And he invited everyone who had gotten themselves in a bad place to make a new beginning. He hoped the events considered that day would initiate it.
I despaired of ever hearing such a message coming from a politician. If we could all get behind it (“We can do better”), we might see significant change occur. (1)
Now turning back to Michael Cohen’s spectacular accusations, rumor has it that Cohen’s testimony is part of a scripted drama that will see President Trump resign in favor of Paul Ryan, who will pardon Trump.
Since Cohen offered proof of fraud on the President’s part, (2)
Comes 2020, however … if not a woman of equal vision (since the time has come for a woman as President), why not … Elijah Cummings?
(1) Given that we’re in a time that operates on and responds to memes.
(2) The three checks from the Trump Foundation for a high-priced piece of art for the President’s personal use are examples.