Saturday Conference Call, February 2, 2019
Serapis Bey reminds us that we carry Divine DNA in bodily form and urges us to join him in the Ascension Chamber and continue our journey of renewal with discipline and consistency.
Greetings, I AM Serapis Bey, Keeper of the Temple, Keeper of the Flame, and I welcome you. Yes, I welcome you as teacher, as initiator, and as friend, as one that has known and does know in every aspect of that reality of what it is to pursue and to walk the pathway of ascension.
And yes, it is true, I open my arms to you and I invite you to the Ascension Chamber, I invite you to Luxor to come with me, etherically, actually, spiritually, it matters not. But I also come to remind you that I am not only accessible in Luxor, in the temple…and it matters not whether the temple was in Atlantis, or Lemuria, or Luxor, or Zahara, for you have known me in many places and at many times.
I am not stern disciplinarian. Are my practices…is the regiment that I share with each of you rigorous? Yes. But it is rigorous because you are fully capable and competent to undertake significant undertakings, significant journey of ascension.
This has never been simply a walk in the garden…but does it include a walk in the garden? Most certainly. And it is the garden of spirit, and it is the garden of light, it is the garden of awareness, it is the garden of knowing, it is the garden of Divine Knowing and Authority.
And it is not simply in casual gesture that one assumes their Divine Authority, to be in full lineage, alignment, and embrace, of acting with and on behalf of the Mother, and with and on behalf of we who serve the Mother…whether it is Yeshua, or Maitreya, or St. Germaine, or myself, Kuthumi, El Morya, these are my friends, but beloved ones, you, also, are and have always been my friends.
When I speak of rigorous discipline, so many shy away, so many underestimate the power of their own might, and unless that innate power and authority is not only seen, and accepted, and embraced, then you are not walking, existing, behaving, creating, from your highest consistent potential. What I mean by discipline is consistency.
Part of the, what I would call, the downfall of humanity has been the lack of consistency, the limitation of focus, that there is a picking and choosing and then dropping and setting aside of what is truly important, and essential, and quintessential to one’s existence.
So there is this meandering, there is this lack of attention so that in one day you say, “I wish to ascend, and master, I will be in the temple at 9:00 every day.” And then the next week you entirely forget and you are on a riverboat cruise of delight. Well, that is free will and that is entirely acceptable.
But, let me be clear, your ascension is consistency, and it is not merely consistency to me…I am unimportant…it is consistency to your sweet self, to your brilliance, to your light, to your path, to your choices, to your refined balance because in that, in the anchoring of the truth, the beauty, the significance of who you are, in fact, your life becomes a beautiful cruise, a walk in the garden, a relaxing under the Bodhi tree or the wisteria.
So I come, beloved ones because you are the angels of change. You are the creators and co-creators, with the Divine Mother herself, of this renewal, not only of Gaia but of what it means to be human, of what it truly means to carry, in form, the Divine DNA.
In refinement comes focus. Each of you know, singerly and as a circle, what is important, what is near and dear to your hearts, to your core, to your journey…and similarly, you know what is unimportant. Now, that does not mean that there is not room for laughter and frivolity…quite the contrary, because when you do this, when you take this time out to simply be, to know the joy, to enjoy your life, you are building.
It is not meant to be an arduous journey, but it is a journey, a pathway of consistent focus. Beloveds, it is the deepest commitment of your hearts. It is without exclusion saying, “I will!”, and then doing in accordance with the love. For is the love not the White Flame?
So, why I come this day is to say to each and every one of you, to offer my assistance, not to say that I am simply there by your side, on call. No, the discipline, the consistency, the focus, the responsibility, is for you to call me.
And if, and when you do, I will take you under my tutelage and I will walk you through, I will accompany you through, the reunion with One and the assumption of your reimagined, reborn, reconstituted self…on planet…as the true angels of change, the agents of our beloved Mother/Father, as the co-creators of Nova Earth.
Thank you for your attendance and go in peace. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2019 Council of Love, Inc.
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