Here is a second, recent statement from Archangel Michael on the Reval.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 6, 2018.
Steve: I have a statement from you from 2015 [related to the Reval]. Is there anything that you want to add to that statement?
Archangel Michael: The only thing I would add is a cautionary note. It’s something that I have not really spoken of other than in reference to temperance. But to temperance, I would add prudence.
There is a tendency, born of glee, born of joy, born of excitement, born of relief. It is not that I am in any way unaware or dismissive of these emotions and these various states of being, but there is a tendency… Hmmm, the term you might use is, “Jump the gun” and to go into a flurry of activity.
Think of this in terms of yourself. You are thinking in terms of a very large financial and global undertaking – a financial monolith. You do not jump in and start spending money on day one. There is organization and thoughtfulness and mindfulness and awareness and a weighing of options.
The hiring of people to be put into place so that the resources, and I speak to everyone in this situation, the resources that are entrusted to you are managed – yes, managed – in a prudent, kind, gentle, loving way.
It has never been, and it will never be, about simply throwing money at a problem or an issue. That is wasteful.
Now there will be many – and it is already known – that will simply do that kind of action and wast resources. That is not the people that we are concerned about, that we are addressing in this message.
We are addressing those who are heart anchored in the commitment to change and to build Nova Earth, to eradicate the old patterns of greed, of abuse and control and to truly work towards and build this world of love, of equality, of security, of generosity.
But that it is done in a prudent manner. The… Well I could say the mess but I won’t… The situation that humanity has found themselves, this demise has taken thousands of years. Now I’m not suggesting that you take thousands of years to begin your work, quite the contrary.
But what I am saying is to be prudent and it is not just about money. It is about resources. So when I am saying to you, beloved one, to be prudent, think back to how we have started this conversation. (1)
To also be prudent with yourself, with what you think of as the resources of dear Steve, of the time and the energy and the balance. So prudence comes in very practical forms.
Be prudent and who you associate with and who you align with and who you hire and how you unroll your projects.
So, to my earlier message, I add this: practice prudence.
(Continued below.)
(1) Here is that beginning discussion:
Archangel Michael: It is important – no, it is critical – that you do not consider your future, your pathway, your journey as one that is too busy.
If you do not consider it as too busy then you will not create it as [being] too busy. You will not live it as too busy. The entire process is intended to be of balance.
That does not mean that there are not days or hours or weeks that you feel you are enormously busy and that there are not days and hours and weeks when you create the spaciousness of what you have come to think of as leisure.
But by and large, sweet angel of love, it is so important, particularly as way shower, as pathfinder, as mentor, as model that you create this life of balance.
There is no gold in feeling harried, in feeling rushed, in feeling overworked because that will simply lead to overwhelm and you are in this for the longer run, sweet one. So, remember what I am saying as you go forth.