By Judith Kusel, January 20, 2019,
The Age of Miracles has dawned.
The Age where the Power of Love is more than any other power, and only equal to that of Wisdom – for it is Age of the sages, the philosophers, the visionaries, who will lead humanity into the New Golden Age when we finally, after many thousands of years of sleeping, wake up to our truthful cosmic heritage.
Love is a miracle and when we finally stop resisting its power and allow ourselves to be swept away with its force that miracles happen.
It is when we allow our hearts to open, our mind to synchronize with the heart, that the soul blossoms forth and genius, vision, insight, wisdom soars and flies. We step into co-creatorship, we start using our manifesting powers wisely, and love steeps our creations, our actions, our every word and deed.
2019 is a catalyst year. It is the year when the new rises with full force. It is the year when visionary and wise leadership is called for. For it is the visionaries, the new world teachers and wise ones who will have to now step up and forth and lead humanity in a profound way.
The old has and is disintegrating. It serves humanity no more. It has lived its time.
The cosmic forces are sweeping in. The greatest clearing and cleansing, disintegration has begun now with full force. The cosmic gale force winds are sweeping away the old, followed by the fires which transmute and bring new life and new beginnings in all forms. It is a powerful regenerative force and it is here for the next hundred years. A total rebirth is occurring – and it is immensely powerful!
The regenerative force will sweep through our relationships with self and others and in the most intimate ones. The power of love will sweep through our illusions, our fantasies as we return to the ultimate truth. We stand naked, stripped to the core of our souls, where we cannot hide anymore. We cannot lie to ourselves and we cannot lie to others. The truth ultimately sets free – and how! The regenerative force teaches us that only Love is real and all else is illusion.
The deepening of love occurs when we finally come home to ourselves and in coming home to ourselves, we can find the ultimate deepest love the Divine Other.
To see the Divinity – the perfection, the beauty within – and we are then profoundly, sublimely touched. It is true love which ever renews itself, and ever draws closer to the Beloved for it can do and be no other. True love is the greatest gift of this time, for those who are prepared to open the heart and soul to ever greater levels of love and being loved and not shrink away from it.
The Power of Love is a regenerative force as much as it is a force of expansion, of rebirth and ever greater levels of soul growth.
The Age of Miracles brings new and higher ways of life and living. New science steeped in the metaphysical for will no longer be able to deny the soul/spirit within all, the greater Divinity/Mastermind/Universal Laws/Grand Master Design, and finally science will expand into the All-Knowing, and be reinvented to the core. One cannot take the soul of science!
New technology which works with the cosmic energy resources and needs not to strip the earth and works on inter-stellar levels. Telepathy, teleportation, and immense expansion in space. It is all there, waiting for us to wake up to our galactic heritage and finally reclaim it.
It is the age where we will learn to live and let live. To allow ourselves to return to the ultimate understanding that we create what we live. We reap what we sow. We are co-creators – yet how we use that force is what ultimately makes or breaks us.
We will return to the wisdom of balance, knowing that all balance first comes from within ourselves, before it can manifest outwards.
Allow the Power of Love to bring that regenerative force into your heart, mind and soul and embrace a much higher and more profound way of life. Remember, that all of this starts within you – and then manifests outwards.
You are the creator as much as you are the creation you live in.
More than this – miracles mostly come silently, softly and almost happen upon us. Indeed, miracles are happening even now, yet most of humanity is still sleeping the sleep as the greatest transformative power is sweeping the earth, the solar system and the galactic core.
Judith Kusel