The Golden Age of Gaia turns to you, especially at this time of year, to consider, if you would, a monthly or a one-time donation towards the running of the blog.
We here at GAoG are building an Internet community of lightworkers. Some of us have jobs but don’t make enough to live on and yet they persist in writing for the blog.
Others have pensions that don’t cover very much and we don’t take extra work because this is our extra work. We want to do lightwork and we think we make a difference – you and us.
There’s a mutual alignment happening here. We write what we do and you write in and give us your feedback.
We abandon lines that don’t seem to reflect what you want (eg., you don’t want much about politics and neither do I). And the final result is a direction we all move in. It’s like a flock of pigeons wheeling and changing direction – but doing it together.
And what are we doing? Well, we’re all of us opening to the influences playing upon us that are causing us to ascend.
We’re all infusing the collective consciousness with love to call in divine help to end war, rape, and pillaging on this planet.
Many of us are planning out our parts post-Reval in building Nova Earth. I have Archangel Michael’s permission to do as many universal basic incomes around the world as I can manage. That’s really dreaming big. That’d really be building a new world.
We’re all managing this experience with its dreams and disappointments day by day. We’re going up together.
And what about us here at the blog? We’re posting our Ascension-related experiences so that, when they happen to you, you’ll be prepared. (No, you’re not insane.)
We’re offering a vision of how all might work in a world that works for everyone.
We’re providing libraries of quotations, articles and books to see that everyone is fully informed when they decide they want or need to be.
We’re nurturing a community of communicators to liaise with the galactics later.
And, guess what? After this we’ll all be looking at doing another Ascension from a higher dimension, together, after a good vacation. This will not be our last Ascension together as ground crew or higher-dimensional directors.
We here at the blog are doing our job of marching forward. But, like any army, warriors of love and peace need logistical support.
For us that means that we need your monthly donations, large or small – although one-time donations are surely welcome – to keep us going and going forward.
Your donations go to support a team of editors who have given up thought of their own careers and futures to manage the blog. To work with new writers. To open new departments. To expand its coverage of the topics that really matter – Ascension, Abundance, and Disclosure.
So please, this year’s end, this Christmas, consider either a monthly donation or a one-time gift to the team which endeavors to be an engine of our lightworker community – the Golden Age of Gaia.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Love y’all,
Here is how to donate:
(1) Please click above or here, where you’ll see:
“Make a one-time donation to Golden Age of Gaia” or “Make a monthly donation to Golden Age of Gaia.”
If you choose the latter, once you set up your donation, it will be deducted from your PayPal account or credit card. You can always change the amount or cancel it by going to your PayPal account.
(2) Please enter the amount.
(3) Hit “subscribe” and set up the means by which your donation will be paid.
(4) If you have a question, please contact Karen at the Hope Chest:
Note from Karen: If you wish to use a credit card, it needs to be a card that is not hooked up to or associated with your Paypal or it will automatically go through Paypal.