The Golden Age of Gaia welcomes “Charlie” to our team. Charlie will be starting next week.
She’ll be handling reader submissions. Let me return to that in a minute.
Charlie has a journalistic, editing, and ghost-writing background. The range of her studies makes her a perfect fit for the blog.
She wishes to remain anonymous for work-related reasons – like “Kat.”
I published under pseudonyms for more than a decade, if I recall. The nature of our work can make for ticklish situations in the work world and we’re aware of that. (1)
What’s the aim behind reader submissions? Well, you remember what Mira said in her last message:
Number five. Are you getting ready to have contact with us, the Galactics? Are you open to meeting some of your Galactic brothers and sisters who are already on the planet? Are you aware that you will recognize us when you see us? Can you begin to imagine how joyful and heartfelt your reunions will be? Are you ready to share and learn from each other?
Number six. What is your preparation level for stepping into new work assignments? What is the burning desire and passion within for greater service to the Earth and life on the Earth? Are you willing to learn with others and to share what you know? Are you willing to amplify your creativity and to part with the old way of doing things? (2)
Let’s take Number Five. Are we ready to have contact with the galactics? Kathleen is sure we sat beside two galactics at a restaurant recently. They looked so strange that Kathleen was getting ready to approach them when they left. They’re usually telepathic so no wonder when you see my reaction.
I judged them and pushed them away. Both people had strange-looking faces (the woman’s was elongated). They were dressed to the nines – for breakfast on a Saturday. She was fitted out like something from a 1940s movie. I didn’t know what to make of them. I promptly became huffy and arrogant … and, not surprisingly to me, they left.
I am not ready for contact with the galactics.
But we need to be ready.
Importantly, we need writers, communicators, journalists, workshop leaders, ambassadors, etc., who are ready. And that’s why we’re giving budding writers an opportunity to get posted. And get started.
We’re inviting Charlie to join the team to lend us her editing skills. She’ll read your submissions, edit those which meet our standards of writing, and post them. Let that be the starter gun for you.
We hope Charlie will be writing too.
Open a blog. Start a radio show. Create a “Meet the Galactics” webinar. Whatever. This planet needs communicators.
Let’s take Number Six. If you can answer the first two questions and say yes to the third and fourth, then let’s go. Start writing.
This is not about enhancing our reputation, standing, etc. It isn’t about getting wealthy.
This is service to the Divine Mother whom both we and the galactics serve.
Don’t know what to write about? I’ve been collecting quotes for years so that others could have ready-made research. No one needs to do it. It’s all right here: (See footnote 3 for categories)
Or, if you actually want to research, read my (free) books and articles: Articles here and books here
First Contact will send half the planet into a loop. We need aware and informed writers who can tell the world they’re not going to be eaten or enslaved and to explain exactly who’s here. The neighbors have come to join us in our Ascension celebration and help us build Nova Earth.
Just so you know, the topics we cover here are Disclosure, Ascension, and Abundance (the Reval, NESARA, etc.).
We’ll cover the important events of Accountability (the fall of the cabal, the rise of new government) but not the day-to-day events. Others are performing that function. So those are where to aim your articles.
After being posted here, start a blog and start writing: Your informed opinions. Your awarenesses and observations. Your Ascension journey. What you know about the galactics. Etc. Etc.
Start to inform public opinion. Start to offer a new stream of thought and feeling into the collective consciousness.
Are you interested? Then take time out and send us something well-thought-out, care of Charlie.
Work on the first one. Get it right. (4)
Find your voice. Hone your skill.
Practice, practice, practice.
We have our end of First Contact to keep up. The galactics need people to meet them and reassure Gaians that all is well and going to be more wonderful than we can imagine.
(1) We’re also aware of the need for political and cultural sensitivity. One reader wanted to post a critique of his government. We researched the human-rights literature and saw that that would put him at risk of being jailed and tortured.
(2) “A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, December 5, 2018,” at
(3) There are numerous dictionaries of quotations on the main site. The three main ones are:
First Contact (meet the neighbors) at
New Maps of Heaven (the afterlife) at
From Darkness Unto Light (enlightenment and the Trinity) at
(4) Want to knock my socks off? First read chapter 1 of Strunk and White’s Elements of Style, pp. 1-13, and get your punctuation right. Save the editor a lot of work and be much appreciated.