I think we as a society don’t like to hear bad news.
The degree to which we don’t sometimes obliges the Company of Heaven to accentuate the positive and deflect attention sometimes from the negative – from what might irritate or alienate us.
They may not tell us the true or the whole situation for fear it might deflate our balloon or have us turn away. Here for example is Sanat Kumara telling us of one instance:
“So why did we not warn you that you might be disappointed [on Dec. 21, 2012]? Because the energy, the forward thrust of what you were creating together with us, was so strong that we had no desire, particularly in the unfoldment of the Mother’s plan, to say, ‘Wait a minute, and stop. Let us take time out and breathe.’ Because that would have … hmm … you have a saying, ‘put a wrench in the works.'” (1)
Any one of us, in the same position, might have done the same thing.
In 2012, SaLuSa also acknowledged that there had been changes in the Plan:
“In fact the timing has often had to be adjusted, and you are of course now aware that some events have had to be put back.
“However, you will not miss out and you will pass on to a higher vibration and benefit from the many changes that will lift you up further into the Light.” (2)
And, finally, Archangel Michael also points to changes and says that they are not about to put the brakes on.
“[You] fear that you are going to be let down. You say, ‘Yes, Lord, that is true, because I have been let down, many, many, many times. You have given us predictions and they have not come to pass. You have given us dates, and they have not come to pass. Am I on a fool’s errand?’ …
“We are not putting the brakes on. We are not about to say to you, ‘Well, there has been a change in the Divine Plan.’
“We have waited for eons. There has been alignment on more levels, in more realms, than you can imagine for this to unfold.
“It is not simply about whether you, individually, are ready. You were ready the moment you said to the Mother/Father, ‘I will go, I will help, and my purpose is to ascend.’ And you will do so.” (3)
We need to take into account this “alignment on more levels, in more realms, than you can imagine,” the decisions made by those responsible for a whole planet and much further beyond. (4)
For instance they leave the impression that the major events will happen “soon” when they may be a year or two (OK, a few years) away (see, even I don’t want to disappoint or anger you).
In the case of Ascension itself, we thought it was promised for Dec. 21, 2012. And it would have taken place if we were satisfied with only a small number ascending.
As I understand it, the human community, through its collective consciousness, asked for an extension so that many more could ascend. (4)
Now here we are in that extension period and we’re eagerly awaiting Ascension.
Few of us seem to deeply grasp the work involved in awakening and preparing an entire planet, many of whom remain completely ignorant of what’s happening right now.
Among the many changes happening, we’re undergoing a transformation of our bodies. If too much energy is passed through us, many people, not knowing about Ascension, might think that they’re subject to some unknown disease or going insane.
May I speak to the spiritual adult in all of us for a moment?
Events of this magnitude take time. It takes time to unseat a global, despotic cabal, in possession of nuclear weapons (even if they don’t work), which the world thinks could exterminate the population.
Imagine the work involved in coordinating the simultaneous takedown of such a cabal through a second event – a global redistribution of wealth. Whenever were events of such magnitude carried out?
Dictatorships have fallen – Napoleon, Richard III, Hitler, Stalin. To unseat many despots, there’ve been massive casualties.
Yet I’m willing to wager that, in the demise of the New World Order, there’ll be very few and those that occur will happen at the cabal’s initiative. How is this possible? I cannot fathom it.
This is an operation none of us probably could have imagined possibly two decades ago. Now here we are, watching it unfold before our eyes, and probably taking it for granted. We’re not thinking the matter through.
Ascension has to be slow. The Reval must be well-timed. Disclosure has to await the right conditions. Accountability requires massive coordination and enrollment of military and peacekeepers. We can’t expect them to be carried out quickly. Or without a hitch – usually from the human side, as I understand it.
Might I suggest that we consider our service as lightworkers to have begun? Our first assignment is to watch and observe everything that we know is happening, as far as the Company of Heaven reveals it. It’s to do what we can to aid the enormous events unfolding, without descending into arguments among ourselves or venting our frustration at waiting.
Raising our own vibrations by cleansing ourselves of our old resentments and issues is another part of that assignment. That apparently raises the vibrations of many by entrainment or example or the collective consciousness.
In my opinion, it’s time for us all to become self-mastered. The events we’re witnessing are too historic for us to want to serve in any but the noblest of ways.
(1) “Sanat Kumara: Our Heartfelt Apologies to the Disappointed,” Jan. 7, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/into-the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-midpoint-of-ascension/sanat-kumara-our-heartfelt-apologies-to-the-disappointed/. Sanat Kumara is the Planetary Logos, with prime responsibility for the success of Ascension.
(2) SaLuSa, Sept. 28, 2012, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(3) “Archangel Michael: This is the Unfoldment of the Promise of the Mother,” at https://the2012scenario.com/2012/09/archangel-michael-this-is-the-unfoldment-of-the-promise-of-the-mother/.
(4) Archangel Michael explains:
“Now as you know, during our latter conversations, it was still felt that about 30 percent of the population was, shall we say, good to go. Then there was the gray area, and then there were those who were well behind the fence. …
“There is an instantaneous moment, and you can think of that moment as a moment within a very elongated process, but there is a moment of soul decision, when either the collective shift takes place – even though some were already through the portal and anchored, but many were not; most were not.
“The collective of humanity, the soul-decision consensus, plea vote – however you wish to think of this – the plea went up to ask the Mother, not for a halt, nor even for a pause, that was not the plea. The plea was, we came together as one family, to do this, to make this monumental change that not only changes each of us and our family and Gaia, but has effect so far beyond. We are aware and we choose to make this shift, but not all are completely ready, but we are asking, and it was a request, in that instantaneous moment: May we do it together? And the answer was yes.
“The heart plea was the most earnest perhaps that we have ever witnessed from the collective. Now it wasn’t instantaneously put on hold or halted. The process is still very much underway – giving you, but we did not put a timer on it, but you – humanity, your soul collective, said that we want to do this – and we don’t want it (listen to what you are saying to us,) to take hundreds of years or decades.
“Just (what is your expression) just give us a chance to get our ducks in a row. And that is exactly what you are doing, and might I say, that you are doing it with surprising rapidity.” (“Archangel Michael on the Pause and Full Restoration,” Feb. 28, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/into-the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-midpoint-of-ascension/archangel-michael-on-the-pause-and-full-restoration/ .)
(4) Our mass, physical Ascension is only the first in a cosmic domino effect. Many more planets will follow the template we lay down here in their own Ascensions, as Michael acknowledged in discussing my future missions:
S: The next assignment is in the Seventh Dimension?
AAM: You will have a choice of planetary systems. This is just the warm-up for [another] Ascension. It is to bring a further rising of vibrations to those throughout the Universe. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Bedckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 13, 2011.)
AAM: As I have said to you, when you complete this mission, you are allowed to have 200 years off. (AAM, Dec. 18, 2012.)