Linda Dillon reviews the upgraded 13th Octave meditation just received from the Council of Love.
Saturday Conference Call, November 3, 2018
For a deeper understanding and history of the Gift of the 13th Octave, here is a link to the Council of Love website article:
So, let’s begin this beautiful, perfect day…first, let’s bring ourselves to the 13th Octave, to that place of love, to that place of Divine Union, to that home of wholeness.
And one of the things that has emerged out of the Ascended Self Master Class is that there has been another click added to our mantra mudra. And so, put your hands together, fingertip to fingertip, and form your electrical, magnetic, rainbow bridge and go deep in your heart. And feel your tri-flame, feel your bright, beautiful, Pink Diamond self-caressed and embraced by the Gold Diamond of the Father and the Blue Diamond of the Mother anchored in the seat of your soul, in the depths of your being.
And on the first click…click…feel yourself being greeted by James, James the Apostle of our Lord Jesus Christ, Savior, Son of God…that is how James always announces himself. And that you’re going over your rainbow bridge…whether it’s a path of flowers or a bridge to infinity…and you’re going into your sacred temple, surrounded by the masters and your Circle of 13, and receive the blessings and the gifts they have to share with you.
And you see yourself leaving, and while you’ve been in your temple a huge gold spiral has formed over and around your sacred space. And there is Gabrielle, our beloved Gabrielle, Lily of Love, and Trumpet of Truth, Messenger of One, and she is lifting you up and furling you in her arms.
The second click…click…is we go up that golden spiral, [to] the foot of the throne, and Gabrielle is unfurling her wings and placing you into the arms or the knee of the Father and you are being welcomed healed and loved. And He is picking you up, and ever so gently, tucking you into His heart, into the protection, and strength, and wisdom, and gentleness. He’s tucking you into the silence of the All. But now He is beckoning and holding out His arms for the Divine Mother and She is stepping into him and conjoining with you.
Click…third click, full union. Father/Mother/You – the infinite and eternal Trinity. Feel it and go deeper, don’t just stay on the surface of the 13th, go deeper as if that spiral is continuing on, inside, deeper and deeper. Go. And anchor here.
But we also know that we’re Nova Beings fulfilling Mother’s Plan, on planet, now. And so, with the fourth click, while leaving yourself there, you are bilocating, bringing all your energy down your silver cord, through your crown, out your root, down your red cord, to the heart of Gaia…fourth click…click. And feel the connection with Gaia and how she holds your red cord, how she anchors you so that your feet, and the fulfillment of your mission, are firmly planted on planet.
Now we’re going to do a fifth click…we’re going to bring all that energy from above and from Gaia into your heart…click…up the red cord with everything you’ve got and into your heart.
And breathe green, and breathe red, full of that vim and vigor and vitality. And breathe the silver of your above cord…deeper…and now, together let’s take a deep breath of that beautiful, rich magenta. The magenta of compassion, and compassion for ourselves, and for every other being that does and has ever existed.
©2018 Council of Love, Inc.
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