As Keeper of the Violet Flame, St. Germaine urges us to torch everything not of love — in meditation and daily life — within and without.
St. Germaine, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, says with the energy of the Violet Flame, which can be a Bonfire, a Torch or a Single Flame, we can change a Universe, never mind a planet or an individual.
The Violet Flame helps us to make peace with our fears, our ego, forgive everything within/without.
Within the action of torching is understanding of ‘the old,’ and the knowing to let go everything that is not of love.
When we take the higher condition of the Divine Flame, we see our core issues and the false grids are situational responses, beliefs and constructs, limitations, fears that we are not Loved enough or cared enough or powerful enough.
How the Violet Flame Works
We can call on St. Germaine with the Violet Flame and torch issues not of love we see in our external reality.
If we are treating our selves without complete Love — with even a speck of unkindness within, judging our selves — this becomes apparent with our conscious awareness so we can let go with forgiveness, compassion, gratitude for all our lessons.
We change our external reality by changing our selves,
how we treat our selves within.
The colours of our tri-flame:
I Am Love I Am Worth I Am Balance
As within so without.
Violet is all the colours.
Bringing the energy of the Sacred Flame to our sorrows and fears, the doubt, whatever is not of love, dissolves our core issues and the entrenched beliefs – the illusion.
The Violet Flame is inspiration, transmutation, transformation, transubstantiation, forgiveness of self, others, situations – fire within for the burning away of all karma, past, present, and future.
It is passion, freedom, healing, and creation.
The Violet Flame is the essence of the unknowable
at that point of conjunction and Love,
creation with the Mother,
and a way for us to know
the Love of the Father as well.
St. Germaine (1)
St. Germaine explains how to use the Violet Flame. He implies that activity in the Middle East, for example, could be connected to our own lack of self worth:
“Now what you are doing is basically your work — that you are taking care of, say, the Middle East, or lack of self-worth, it is literally like you are looking over your shoulder, a mythical monster that is chasing you and you torch it — because it does not have substance, not real substance any longer.”
He says that we’re torching patterns of behaviour with truth:
“It is an idea. It is a pattern of behaviour that you are truly torching but it is looking over your shoulder. Sometimes you turn around to do the Michael work, and yes, you use his Flame on my torch, but you are torching anything, eliminating anything, igniting it, so that it doesn’t exist.”
Understanding and using the Sacred Flames to see the truth of Who We Are is so powerful that we literally change our world.
We are changing what is not of love
in our external reality.
St. Germaine says our perspective is limited as to how effective the Sacred Flames are:
“Now you say to me in a very practical way, ‘Well St. Germaine does that mean if I do this every day — that we of Earth do this every day — that war in the Middle East will cease?’
“And that is exactly what I am telling you.
“You have no idea how limited your perspective on how effective these tools that we give you can be.”
Daily use of the Sacred Flames, he says, can bring about peace within, peace without, and all the other wonderful attributes of the higher dimensions:
“In the higher dimensions there is a purity, so there is no pollution, there is no war, there is no hunger, there is no poverty. Now take each of those and think of the opposite on the spectrum.
“There is sharing of resources. There is the glowing beauty of Gaia and of human beings in the fullness of their health. That is why we’re asking you to bring in your new body.
“There is no war. There is community and unity, the more you live in the acceptance of that reality.
“This is not about denial. This is about you declaring and choosing to live elsewhere.
“There is no hunger. There is plenty for all. There is shelter for all.” (2)
All of this is within us.
Invoking St. Germaine, sitting and listening in meditation in the Violet Bonfire for as little as 10 minutes a day, can give us better understanding of lack of self-worth and lack of self-love.
We can also use the Violet Torch during daily life for distress with friends, family, co-workers, all situations not of love.
Using the Violet Flame, torching our core issues and the false grids, we come to know the truth of Who We Are, within/without, the creation of Nova Being/Nova Earth where there is simply ecstasy, bliss, harmony — peace, Love, joy — balance.
An Invocation
I invoke St. Germaine and the Violet Flame
for elimination of lack of self-love and lack of self-worth,
Thank you, St. Germaine,
Keeper of the Violet Flame
(1) “St. Germaine Asks, ‘What Is Love Really?’” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, January 17, 2014,
(2) “St. Germaine Reminds Us… We Are Multi-Dimensional, Inter-Dimensional Beings…”, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, July 19, 2014,