We read the Angelic Guides telling us:
“We encourage you to make the changes within your own world so that you may create the world in which you wish to live.” (1)
Create the world in which you wish to live….
You’d think I’d be inspired by that passage but instead it raises fear in me.
When I look at creating the world in which I wish to live, I feel beaten down from a lifetime of being censored and excluded because my views didn’t fit in.
A dissertation mapping out social behavior patterns as depicted in the Victorian novel was judged to be “not historical.” Cultural history was unknown in 1974.
A dissertation on enlightenment was judged to be outside the university’s charter. No enlightenment in 1987. (2)
Innovations in two historical fields (museum history, popular culture) were rejected for being outside the box.
On and on I could recite the stories of innovation and rejection, of creating the world I wished to live in and being batted down for it.
The repressed anger and fatigue I feel comes from having swallowed (introjected) my regrets and disappointments throughout all these years. I feel almost unconscious with suppression.
Perhaps now you can understand why I don’t agree to participate in academic discussions. The paradigm of empirical materialism, which was enforced in the university of my days, is simply too small for me.
I won’t agree to stay within its confines or to be ridiculed for leaving them. I won’t surrender my independence of opinion.
“Academic freedom” – given that it doesn’t extend to studies outside the prevailing paradigm – is an inadequate substitute for the freedom I have, subject only to the requirements of my mission.
One of those requirements is to stay within the purview of my readers. We have a relationship and I respect its obligations.
Dare I hope? The Divine Mother says hope is essential to creation. Hoping, desiring, yearning. How hard it is to hope again.
Create … the world … in which … you wish to live….
(1) “Angelic Guides: A Whole New World – A Look at What’s to Come,” channeled by Taryn Crimi, September 9, 2014, at https://www.angelic-guides.com .
(2) The raw research for that dissertation is located to the Internet here: From Darkness Unto Light at https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=From_Darkness_to_Light