(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
Disclosure is part of the New Normal for us because we already know and have had time to digest the significance for humanity of it.
We’ve read countless channeled messages and articles. We’ve listened to radio shows where our star family has described their lives aboard ship and why they’re here. (1)
Nonetheless, a vast concourse of humanity will encounter the truth of our situation in one go. Could the encounter go either way? I don’t know. I hope not.
Certainly many people have tried to spook humanity over the thought of “aliens” since the early days of UFO discussion. Remember the weather balloon that the Roswell spacecraft was said to have been?
Remember Independence Day when huge motherships launched an army of aggressive star fighters?
Or the Alien series? Yeccchhhh. That nearly did me in.
Contrast two movies, a scant twenty years apart. In The Arrival (1996), with Charlie Sheen, the extraterrestrials are going to graze the Earth like a plague of locusts and then move on.
Contrast that with Arrival in 2016, where the galactics teach us about peace and harmony and move on. The difference in treatment suggests how far the baseline of acceptance may have moved.
And for us lightworkers who volunteered to help calm the masses who’ll probably manifest the range of emotions, it’d be most useful if our response was distinctly towards balance and calmness – as excited as we may be.
Archangel Michael discussed this with me in 2012:
Steve Beckow: What are the outcomes you’d like to see from [GAoG’s] coverage and how do you wish us to conduct ourselves during and after disclosure? I’d like something that I can pass along to my fellow editors, if I may.
Archangel Michael: We want it to be controlled excitement, openness for discussion, not negativity. There is a difference, as you know.
But we don’t want it — which is going to be your desire — to be over-the-top euphoric. And the reason is because of the balance that needs to be maintained. (2)
Disclosure is paradigm-shattering. It’s the most significant event in human history since our galactic forebears brought us here in the first place.
People will need to find and look at – and to – those for whom this is expected and welcomed. I can’t emphasize how important I think that’ll be.
Have you thought of how to approach a star being, as you stand across from them in a Disclosure event you’re part of?
Have you thought of what hand gestures to use, so that you don’t inadvertently use one associated with the Illuminati?
Or make the sign for “up y*ur$!” when you intend to make the sign for “peace”?
How do you say “I love you” in galactic? Heck, I don’t know!
How about: hand to the heart and then gracefully opened to the visitor, with a smile, indicating a flow of love from your heart to theirs. Isn’t that universal? Aren’t we now going to have to think more in universals – smiles, sadness, love?
For us, this is not paradigm-busting. But it’s definitely paradigm stretching and transforming.
(1) For instance: “Commander Ashira of UFOG ~ We Are Your Complements!” at https://tinyurl.com/zglwcua; “Transcript: Heavenly Blessings ~ Commander Ashira on Galactic Life, March 18, 2014,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/03/21/transcript-heavenly-blessings-commander-ashira-on-galactic-life-march-18-2014/; “Transcript: Heavenly Blessings ~ Commander Ashira Returns for a Further Discussion on Galactic Life,” channeled by Linda Dillon, March 25, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/03/30/transcript-heavenly-blessings-commander-ashira-returns-for-a-further-discussion-on-galactic-life-march-25-2014/.
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 16, 2012.