We like to share the perspective drops that Magenta Pixie posts on FaceBook, and, yes, it’s mixing spirituality with politics. Here’s one from yesterday.
By Petra Pixie McGuire, October 10, 2018
Just read a post where someone says I am a “follower of Q” – this is incorrect. I am not a ‘follower’ of Q or of anyone.
However, do I resonate with the information Q brings forward? Well, I’m not aware of all Q’s information but from what I have seen, yes, it fits the energy within the ‘pre-manifest’ that is filtering into 3D physical.
Do I think that ‘Q’ is a catalyst for awakening? Yes, a massive catalyst. So regardless of who or what ‘Q’ is, so far the information is in alignment.
Do I feel that Q is the ‘voice of the alliance’? Well the energy is predominantly light and the energy is of a group of individuals so, yes, that fits also. This is my stance on Q, but I’m not a follower. Do not follow anyone. The 5D energy is ‘knights of the round table,’ NOT leaders and followers! As Q himself says “Where We Go One We Go All”