Kat by Kat
I assure you that Kat saw every one of your emails.
But I think readers in general would also like to see them so allow me to post them here – anonymously, of course.
I think Kat expressed well what most of us feel right now. It’s getting to the point that I’m considering not reading any more channels, myself. Come on, a few light-workers feel entitled. Is that reason for withholding the blessings from the rest of creation? I don’t think so. Mother God, Archangel Michael, if you’re listening, and I know you are, I’m with Kat. Let’s get a move on!
Just had to add my 2 cents: I agree wholeheartedly with Kat and would like to add that the majority of us have no concept /concern with regard to financial issues after the RV. We are focused on what is happening right now and what is supposed to take place very soon. There are numerous versions and possibilities of what will transpire afterwards for us, but we are”trusting the plan,” knowing Gaia and her inhabitants will be in a much better place and we will have all that we need.
Thank you for all that you do.
Thank you for Kat’s letter to AA Michael. She beautifully expressed exactly what I’m feeling right now. So tired of the excuses. We ARE ready for this reval. Let’s get on with it. No more excuses!
Dear Steve and AAMichael,
Thank you for publishing Kat’s Sept. 27, 2018 letter. I feel she speaks for many, many Lightworkers. The eloquence of her presentation was beyond anything I might have been able to write but the essence of it is deeply shared. After reading AAMichael words about the ‘attitudes’ of Lightworkers I, too, was stunned. Do not all of us have a right to Abundance of Love, Light, Health and financial well being? That is at the center of all spiritual teachings that I have encountered for many decades; including those from AAMichael.
The time is Now.
We are ready to receive and ready to serve. Though we may not all yet be fully awakened, we are ready.
Please give us this opportunity.
In Love and Gratitude,
Thank you, Kat!!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! That is exactly how I, and I know thousands of others, are feeling. Let’s get this show on the road, already!
Blessings to you all at GAOG.
I agree with Kat 100%. She said it all. When I read the message about adjusting attitudes of lightworkers before the Revel could happen. I was dismayed. I could not understand why this would cause a delay. I thank Kat for such a well written response. I surely hope the Mother will hear this. We need something NOW on this planet.
love, and light
I just wanted to say that I agree with all of Kat’s points about Michaels latest message, I was thinking the exact same things, I just didn’t write in. I just can’t take the carrot being dangled anymore I’ve been ready to get to work and have been working for years now and waiting on this reval has made me push back first my college plans and then some other things in my life. I learned my lesson and completed my studies, but this process is very unhealthy mentally and emotionally etc, im almost feeling like an abuse victim at this point and I never wanted such an ugly thought to pop into my head but these constant delays and then blaming US is sick and I have had enough. I will always love you all and this community but i must move on for the sake of my own health and wellbeing. I guess I’ll save myself, no more waiting for heaven to come to me.
Good Morning!
Thank you for publishing Kat’s letter, she addressed something that wasn’t sitting right with me. I was tempted to write yesterday myself, though I was thinking my objection might be better addressed to the interpreters of the message. (My understanding is that no one can be channeling 100% of another entity.)
Anyway, my first thought was; BUT I AM ENTITLED! My definition lining up with the first one I saw when I looked it up; “believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.” … “give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something. (As in) employees are normally entitled to severance pay”
Have we not been clearing our vasanas precisely so that we could feel this way? Of course there is the Cambridge version which says “feeling that you have the right to do or have what you want without having to work for it or deserve it, just because of who you are.” Well we most certainly have been working for it, and we bloody well do deserve it! Plus, we are all inherently entitled to Love.
In the end I decided it was semantics, and settled on AAM’s quote; “It is about the quotient, the heart quotient, the love quotient.” Which makes more sense to me, no offense to anyone else : ) From what I have gleaned along the way, we just need to feel the love, spread the love, and everything else will fall into place.
With much love, and excited anticipation. (I like this definition of anticipation; “the introduction in a composition of part of a chord that is about to follow in full.”)
More today….
Thank you for publishing Kat’s letter to AAM and responses to it. I was feeling the same way when I read that “What is holding it up is still some of the attitudes of the Lightworker community [etc.].” I, too, considered responding, but then – so many things crossed my mind at that point that I just let it go with “Oh well, whatever.”
Thank you, Kat, for taking the time to express wonderfully the things that apparently come to mind to many.
Best regards
And still more…
Hello, I want to say thank you, I agree and echo all the points that Kat made in her excellent letter to AA Michael and the Divine Mother. I too am no longer reading the so close but not here until we don’t know, or can’t say when exactly, however, please be in peace and joy while you continue to suffer, because it will be so wonderful soon, channeled messages.
I especially resonate with the remarks that lightworkers have been the ones who are generally the most serving and giving without attitudes of me first, or entitlement. Yes things are changing in terms of how well the spiritual/metaphysical healing practitioners are being appreciated. But as evidenced by the poverty level most of us experience, despite our educations, not fast enough.
We are beginning to drown. Society as a whole continues to hold a diminished view of Lightworkers in the same way they do of women. It continues to place us among the least respected of any professional group in terms of credibility and due monetary renumeration. And we are among the most selfless and giving as a collective that resides on this Earth.
It is our nature to give. I can’t tell you how many times I have freely given spiritual advisement and healing energetic work to others with no acknowledgement whatsoever, let alone actual payment. We are not perfect, but it is really ‘reaching’ to posit that the attitude of certain lightworkers is reason for the delay of the foretold divine plan that the world is so in need of.
Two more points- to say we lightworkers must meditate or pray harder to bring it about as co-creators is an obvious that is starting to irritate more than motivate. And I would also add that saying that if we only would see the truth that all is actually already clearly unfolding is a fact that we lightworkers do already get as we can indeed feel and see beyond the surface of events.
We all see the systems are broken. We all sense the positive changes that have begun. But please, give us credit for that awareness and bring on the externally clear, major paradigm shifts without further delay. The miracle of intervention on a grander scale to facilitate this process for a better world is what is needed now.
After all, this is what all true lightworkers do daily. We pray and work for a new world to be dawning in unity, equality, peace, and abundance for all. Even when not paid to do so. With respect, this seems like preaching to the choir. We are ready. If you would like an attitude change for even more from us, then please, with all due respect, deliver the goods that support the cause. Lift us up to assist even more. With love and infinite gratitude….
Personally, I appreciate Kat’s calling out all the channeling bullshit that’s gone on for years. I’ve always looked with a critical eye at anyone who claims to channel Michael, Jesus, Sananda, JFK and an infinity of other notables. I suspect we’ve all been strung along for quite some time. Maybe the lesson is, don’t put your life on hold for anyone or anything, especially the promise of a massive financial outpouring and the release of technology or disclosure of off-planet life. Like James Gilliland at ECETI says, contact is within.
I too, long deeply for a completely transformed world, and I do believe that we are progressing, but definitely not fast enough. I once met a mysterious couple and will never forget that the man said to me, “we are one million years behind in our evolution.” I KNOW we’re still stuck in elementary school and how completely maddening and unnecessary this is. So I understand so well why people feel angry, impatient and deeply pissed off with the same channeled messages that basically repeat over and over like a broken record.
Having said this, I just finished my participation in a youth festival movement called Lions of Justice here in Phoenix, AZ where I live. Our organization, SGI-USA.org sponsored Lions of Justice youth festivals in 9 American cities, all held on the same day, on September 23. Approximately 50,000 youth gathered across the U.S. to be inspired to change their lives and the society around them.
Many, many young people are not waiting for anything and so many youth are determined to stand up and create a world of justice and respect between all people right now! That’s what the festivals were about.
I probably won’t understand the profound significance of the Lions of Justice festivals and their impact on the world for years, but it is beginning to play out in society right now. Passionate young people who want to make a difference have emerged. They are called Bodhisattvas of the Earth.
The most interesting thing to me, during my participation in supporting the festival movement, is that my preoccupation with ascension, a financial jubilee, new technology, waiting and waiting for all the truth to come out about 9/11, pedophilia, etc., etc. didn’t seem so important to me. My life started vibrating to the pulse of the universe and a great sense of connection with people.
This doesn’t mean I don’t still feel a profound impatience with things as they stand and the tragic waste of human energy and genius and natural resources that could better be spent rebuilding our planet. We have a massive amount of work ahead of us and — why waste even one more day?!
But I have a bit more confidence in the power of my own life through the experience of connecting with Lions of Justice. It is very empowering to take personal and collection action. It is very disempowering to rely on the promise of things to come and to wait. Patience IS a virtue, up to a point! We passed that point long ago friends.
I, like many others I’m sure, fell in live with Cat from the very beginning.
Bravo! Thank you! May you be blessed!
Hi Steve, Kat and all…I understand what you are feeling and I, like you, know that the RV is coming…Now I also want to share what I am thinking about it…
I know that Archangel Michael can “see” better than we do about what the releasing of the RV at this moment could bring…I rather wait and trust that all is happening as it should…I am hopeful and I trust that all shall come to be in due time and when it is most appropriate for the highest good of all…
I am going through some shortages too, but I prefer to keep it to myself the reason as to why this is happening to me right now…Yet I am visualizing and using the Law of Attraction about the RV…Not attachment to the outcome of it, as to how or when, but rather I choose to trust and concentrate on visualizing it already being a reality where all of us here on Earth especially those in most need and I am talking about those that have absolutely nothing, not even water, food or shelter to be the first ones to be helped and receive all the benefits through us…B
ut feeling entitlement about it makes it hard for us to bring it closer…I truly believe that getting impatient and feeling entitlement does not help us at all…To me, Trust, patience, and the certainty of knowing that it is soon to be released makes me very confident and joyful and I prefer not to question as to why it is not happening now…Allowing it to flow as it needs to go will bring it about much faster to us…I allow, I receive, I trust and I am thankful because it is already done….With much Love to all…I am..