Every time I feel myself swimming in love, I know that love is the answer.
Love is what will take a world that works for no one and make it a world that works for everyone.
Love is what’s missing from our situation – globally.
But, as I usually add, I’m not speaking about ordinary love. I’m speaking about a very special kind of love available only in a higher experience than our everyday reality.
THAT kind of love will make the world work for everyone. No one will want to harm anyone else. Everyone will simply want to love and be loved.
So I know love is the answer.
But I abandon myself when it comes time to act from that knowledge in social surroundings. I become “agreeable” or consent to dumb down.
Or I avoid situations where it might arise.
I liked the way Archangel Michael, in my reading, pointed out one of our common, unconscious social patterns. It’s the one where you and I know, and we both know that we know, but the agreement is to not make either of us admit knowing.
“No one, in any realm – well, any realm particularly in the Western world – would say that it is alright, that it is acceptable, that it is fine to proceed with abusing children – or women for that matter.
“And yet, it is accepted. It is one of those things that it is alright as long as you don’t make us look at it, as long as you don’t make us admit that somehow such behavior is alright, that it is a part of human psyche or behaviors, that somehow it’s acceptable.” (1)
It’s “this for that,” quid pro quo: I’ll leave you alone if you leave me alone. Don’t mess with me and I won’t mess with you. As long as this unwritten rule is observed, we’ll turn a blind eye to a great deal of what’s wrong in our world.
Is that not one of the most common agreements in our society, when you come to think about it?
And so, in this case, pedophilia is allowed to continue.
When we behave in these socially-acceptable ways, we abandon our Self. I do it all the time, day in and day out. No wonder the desert fathers fled to the wilderness.
If we looked closely, I suspect that most of us would find that our behavior is often contrived; our lines are often scripted; we’re in fact acting or performing. Those who get their act down pat are thought of as socially-skilled.
But what’s the price? The knowledge and experience of higher-dimensional love, bliss, peace, joy, stillness, you name it. Contrivance obscures the Self.
The Buddha talked about the other shore. As far as I can see, these divine qualities exist on the other shore. (2) That’s the shore we’re gradually wending our way to. Nothing like abuse will find a foothold there.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 21, 2018.
(2) The other shore in this case would be the Fifth Dimension.