Just as there are stages of enlightenment for an individual, so, in my opinion, there are stages of enlightenment for a society.
An individual experiences stages of enlightenment when the kundalini reaches the fourth chakra (Stream Entering), sixth (Cosmic Consciousness), and seventh (God-Realization) and finally when it passes beyond the chakra system and the heart opens permanently (Sahaja Samadhi).
Archangel Michael has spoken to me of two planetary events that fit this pattern … well, three actually, if one counts Ascension itself. They are a planetary heart opening (fourth chakra), Brahmajnana or God Realization as a planet as entry into the Fifth Dimension (seventh chakra) and Ascension itself, Sahaja (permanent heart opening), experienced further into the Fifth Dimension.
I can see social cohesion arising after a planetary heart opening. That would wake us up to what’s possible, what we’re missing, what awaits us. But the social counterpart of a fourth-chakra awakening – the opening of the hridayam or heart aperture – would be only temporary, if it resembles an individual heart opening.
Still there would be social agreement thereafter on what’s truly worth seeking and what’s not. Never again would that be in dispute.
Right now we walk around in a daze compared to how we’ll be then. Our experience afterwards will be totally fulfilling. The only thing we’ll wish for is for the experience to continue.
What a trip it’ll be to be there altogether, awakened to what life could really be about.
Elixir, ambrosia, nectar – higher-dimensional love has gotten so many names over the ages. It’s all that those names mean and point to.
But, oh, to be alive to the truth of that as a society, that is an outcome devoutly to be wished for.
And then there will be stages after that.